Having a long time its page on the social network of classmates, it is not always possible to thoroughly explore all the possibilities of this portal. If you have the need to use a particular service, sometimes you have to throw the started process due to insufficient information. To eliminate this gap, consider in the proposed article question about how to open a group in classmates?
How to create a group in classmates - where to start
- First of all we go to your page and are looking at the "Group" menu.
- Information about all the groups in which you are numbered, and invitations from other communities that are not yet adopted by you.
- But we are interested in the label on the left side of the "Create a Group or Event" screen.
- Click on it.
How to create a group in classmates - choose the type of group
- In the proposed window that appears, see six types.
- In essence, they do not have special differences.
- But first is better to stop - "Interest Group" or "Public Page".
- They are more suitable for novice users, since their functionality is much easier.
- But if you are confident in your abilities, stop your attention on any type of meaning the name of the difference.
How to create a group of interests in classmates or for friends?
- Select the desired option in the window below.
- In the field that opens, fill all the necessary windows.
The description of the group should not be more than 200 characters.
- Fill all the lines.
- Click "Download Picture".
- Clay on the "Create" button.
- Get the desired result.
How to organize a group in classmates "for business"?
- The initial stages are similar to the previous description. The only thing is the type of group will be "Public Page".
- This area for filling, except the name and description contains subcategories.
- If you wish, you can add additional information about yourself, pressing the orange segment of the field.
- By filling out additional items, load the group logo by pressing the "Download".
- We again click on "Create".
- We have a personal public page to communicate with like-minded people.
- The principle of organization of the remaining types of groups is similar. Having considered the main points of these principles, it is additionally recommended that the following can be recommended: Immediately after the creation of the group decorate it offered by the site with a standard motive. Since to apply an individual theme will be allowed in the presence of respondents more than 10,000 people.
- To do this, let's give a label located at the top of the "Decorate the Group page".
- Choose from those who are offered anyone.
- A beautiful landscape appears against your page.
Everything is prepared for the exchange of information. It remains to take new participants.