How to remove instagram

How to remove instagram

Some time after the start of using Instagram, some users think about his removal. In particular, the full deactivation of the account and remove the application from the mobile phone. Below will be considered both options for instagram uninstallation.

Before you start deleting, it is strongly recommended to save all data in the phone, because After completion of the uninstall procedure, it will be impossible to return the photos. The removal process is carried out exclusively through a web browser, erase the profile through the instagram application itself is impossible. Go to official site Instagram. If you are not logged in on the site, we enter your username and password (coincides with the log in the application) and click on the username that appears that will be located on top.

A user account will open, where you need to press the large "Edit Profile" button, next to the nickname.

Link will send you to the page with contact details. In the lower right corner, the button "I want to delete my account" will be available, on which you need to click.

In the column "Why do you remove your account?" You must specify the reason for removal. If none of the listed reasons meet your criteria, select "Other".

To complete the procedure, it remains to enter your current password and click the "Deactivate My Account forever" button. It should be remembered that after confirmation, it will be impossible to restore your data.

The above method is relevant only if you need to remove an instagre account. The uninstallation of the application itself occurs in normal mode and no different from the process of deleting other programs in the phone. This option is suitable for those who have already deactivated their profile and for those users who have not deleted their account, but wants to erase the application itself. To do this, go to the Main Menu of the Device and looking for the "Settings" icon. In the column "device" we find the item "Applications".

The system displays a list of all applications that are installed in your mobile phone. Among them are searching for the Instagram program.

To complete, you need to click the Delete button and wait for the end of the process. Depending on the version and brand of the phone, the visual component may differ, but the principle of uninstalling the same.

If the instagram was installed from the playing market, you can erase the application from there. Open Google Play and come to the main page (if the application was minimized, and you did not get home, this fact does not play a role, you can continue the removal process).

In the search bar, we enter the "Instagram" request (no matter in Russian or English), we find the necessary result and choose it.

You will find yourself on the page of the application itself. Select the "Delete" button and after confirmation are waiting for uninstalling.

You can find the application in the play markete in another way. To do this, open the swipe menu from left to right or click on the upper right menu icon. In the list, open the "My Applications" item.

Among the installed applications are looking for an "Instagram" application and carry it out.

When executing all the above items, the user can completely remove instagram from its mobile phone. If necessary, install the application back when using the standard installation method.

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