It's no secret that social networks have long been used not only for communication and pleasant pastime, but also to extract profits. You can earn in most existing social networks, including both instagram.
There are several ways to make money in instagram. As known to many users, the main work method in social networks is the prostanovka of likes (fee from 1 rub) and subscription to anyone (from 50 kopecks). This type of earnings also applies to instagram, carried out through third-party services. At the moment, in the search engine, you can find several resources that provide the ability to earn the way in the way. For example, by registering on one of the found sitesYou need to start performing tasks that create advertisers. After each completed work, the account will receive payment that can be displayed hereinafter. It should be noted that most such services have a system that allows you to make money only after earning a certain amount of money.
Instagram also gains momentum trading market. The work order is simple: you only need to take a snapshot of a product that is sold, and load it in instagram, pre-specifying its price. In this way, you can gain a whole kip goods, organizing an online store. It remains only one question - where to take buyers? Initially, you need to put tags corresponding to the subject of the goods. For example, if the trouser sale is carried out, then you can put tags: # clothes, # pants. It is best that several tags be marked immediately.
However, if only tags are used, it is possible that your goods may be in the most departure of the search results. In order to improve the results, you can use third-party services, for example, inselly. It's free, and the work concept is very simple: you just add a tag #inselly, the system took a photo of the product and put it up for sale. Directly on the service can be as close as possible your profile to the virtual store. All calculations will be carried out through the PayPal system.
The following method - one of the most popular. It is used not only in social networks, but also on the usual sites. To use it, you need to dial a certain number of subscribers (not bots) who have viewed your profile. After earning a large number of subscribers (typically more than 3000), you may be interested advertisers who want to promote their products. A further scheme is simple: on your instagrame photo is loaded, which sends an advertiser, and shall include all the necessary tags. Subjects of promotion of the goods, of course, may be different: from advertising clothes to advertising toothpaste. In any case, the advertiser will pay you some money for this kind of promotion.
All of the above points - is an effective way of earnings in the Instagrame today. Of course, we have to make some efforts in order to achieve the desired results. But thanks to the hard work, you can get a stable and good earnings.