How to search in instagram

How to search in instagram

Instagram is a popular social network that makes millions of people from around the world. As in each such project, there is a function of finding the necessary information. But based on what data you need to find the user, the search method will be insignificantly different.

The intrasystem search method in the appendix is \u200b\u200bdesigned logically and conveniently. After entering the official Instagram application, you will see the control panel, which will be located below. It consists of five buttons, between which you can switch at any time. We are interested in the button with the image of the magnifying glass to which you want to click.

A window will open with a recommendation on finding people, random photos and a search string that is at the top and contains the name "Find". Clicking on it, instagram will display four tabs, while saving the search box.

By default, the first tab with a common search for data is activated. Here you can find both individual users and the information you are interested in hashthegam.

Next tab - with the image of a person. It is in it that you can find a specific user by putting the surname and name in the search bar. Suppose we want to find Ivan Urgant. Write the data in the field and select the first option in search results.

The peculiarity of the search for people in Instagram is that you can also search for nicknames. If you know the nickname of the user, we enter it in the row and click on the profile.

Tab with "#" symbol means that you can search for hashthegam. Basically, with the help of hashtegov find photos of a certain topic. For example, if you are interested in the types of houses from around the world, then enter "House". Next, select the highest result.

Instagram will give a lot of photos according to the above hashthege. The first column will present the most popular and viewed publications, and below - added quite recently.

Finally, content can be found in geomethegers. Simply put, you need to enter the name of the country, city or street, and if there are photos with this location in Instagram, they will certainly appear. To do this, select the latest tab with the image of the pointer. For example, in the search field, we introduce "new-york".

After pressing Geotek, the system will give a common location on the map, and below - all photos regarding this place. All images are divided into Blocks "The Best" and "Newest".

You can search for information not only using the Instagram application, but also using the usual search engine. For example, searching is enough to add to the search query mark "Instagram". You can search for data both through mobile and through the full view of the search engine. In this example, we will try to find Mikhail Zadornov, by entering the appropriate request with the mention of instagram.

As follows from the example, Google search engine gives a link to a certain person's profile without any special difficulty. It remains only to click on the first link and view the profile.

Using these methods, you can easily find all the necessary information in the Instagram network. It should be noted that the search for people through the search engine can be carried out by specifying the user's nickname. Search photos for tags are somewhat difficult: references to the transitions to instagram with the specified tag may be far from the first list of search results.

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