How to remove the channel on YouTube

How to remove the channel on YouTube

Very often, active users of the famous video hosting YouTube create one or more channels. But personal content is a capricious thing and requires constant replenishment with new rollers. And then the user understands that he absolutely lacks personal time to create updates, and takes a bold decision - forever say goodbye to his channel. We will tell you how to make a conceived!

The method implies the removal of the channel together with the full loss of personal content, video, subscribers and comments. So, let's begin. To start go to the site In the upper right corner, click on your account marked with a blue circle.

In the drop-down list, select Utub Settings. As a rule, the button is depicted by a gear. The system automatically translates you to the General Information section. Under the row of your name, select the "Advanced" section.

In the window that appears, click the Delete Channel button.

Next, the system offers you two options for further action:

  • You can hide the channel, leaving for myself the opportunity to view the video, put like, draw up subscriptions. But you will not be able to upload new videos and, accordingly, no one can see your video. The system also allows you to turn on the channel again if you want to use them again.
  • The second option offers delete data completely. When you select "Delete Content", you will not be able to make absolutely no action on your channel. The only one, the system leaves your GOGLE + Pages and the created Google account, you delete only the channel on YouTube.

If you finally decided to remove the content completely, check all the items checkboxes, then click "Delete Content".

The system will once again warn you that all information will be deleted with the channel, including comments, messages, downloaded video and history. If you fully agree, confirm the action of the email address. And again click the Delete Content button.

Everything, the canal is removed! But complete deletion of data will not happen immediately, this procedure will be needed about 10-14 days. During this time, your video will still appear in the search. A little waiting, very soon your channel will completely erased with YouTube.

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