How to make money on watch video

How to make money on watch video

There are many ways to work out on the Internet for advanced users. Universal, suitable beginners of varying degrees of preparation are not so much. For example, you can easily earn on watching video on YouTube or Vkontakte.

Special services to make money on watching video

First of all, it is necessary to prepare and find out - where and why they pay for watching video. In modern runet there are many sites that give a small earnings for it. The creators of the rollers are interested in the maximum number of views of their video with a presentation of advertised goods. In addition, the owners of the roller receive much more than they will pay referrals. We list the most popular services where you are ready to pay for viewing video: seosprint, wmmail, vktarget, intvideo, qcomment, etc.

Earnings are as follows. You register on the intermediary website between the advertiser and users for which advertising is intended. A proposal will appear to see the video advertisement paid by the owners, enter the captcha, then go to the advertiser's website. After completed actions, a small payment will come to the account you specified. It usually makes several cents.

SEOSPRINT service to earn on watch video

Start using the service SEOSPRINT. For earnings need from registration. Not bad also have your own channel on YouTube. This condition is not mandatory, there are tasks not related to the channel. After registration, go to the list of tasks, select your preferred category and start performing tasks for which you are ready to pay.

Tasks associated with the following types of video are paid:

  • Subscribe to the canal.
  • Go to advertising site.
  • Viewing the site.
  • Pressing "Like".
  • Comment to the video.

WMMAIL mailer to make money on watching video

The easiest view of earnings - clicks, viewing paid advertising when performing a task on the oldest tank (postal) Wmmail. There are no special knowledge. The most important thing is to own surfing on the Internet in search of the desired sites, the ability to make screenshots, go on logging on sites.

The WMMAIL universal project contains a video associated with video in its database. To register on this service it is necessary to have a wallet in the payment system WebMoney. If such a wallet is already there, then you can specify its view number ZXXXXXXXXXX when registering on the WMMAIL website. It is enough to press the "Registration" button and in the next window click "proceed to registration." The WebMoney site window opens, where you need to enter your username and password. The "Login" button will return you to the WMmail website. In the proposed registration form, fill in all fields and click "Register".

After activation in the project, go to the "Jobs" section and select the desired type. To earn at viewing video in the search engine of paid jobs, enter "View video". On the screen, all the tasks of the same type will appear on the screen.

Earnings on watching videos through

The video, which makes it possible to make a watch on watching, laid mainly on the most popular video hosting - YouTube. Here they pay for different reasons: the desire to collect a huge number of views, the transition from the video to the concomitant advertising, the promotion of the video, the vote is not necessarily positive. View video pays some Internet projects.

In fact, viewing the roller is not fully needed, during its scrolling, you can search for other tasks. You can make money on YouTube video on the posting stock exchange Register on the system, create an account on YouTube, subscribe to the channels, follow the tasks of advertisers, earn on clicks and comments to the video. You pay from 5 cents from 5 cents.

VKTarget system

Advantage of service Vktarget.- Simple, free registration and participation. Money is charged for watching small videos. Increase earnings you can transfer your own referral link to familiar. Part of their earnings in the form of a percentage of the amount will come to your WebMoney wallet.

Comment Exchange QComment

Birja QComment Allows you to get a stable income, without leaving at home. Here they pay for different types of work: communication on the forums, comments, reviews, huskies, reposities, entry into groups in social networks and watching videos. The performer on the stock exchange is promised high income from the outlook of rank growth, free work schedule and a large database of tasks for self-selection themes and tasks, interesting to the author.

We need to pass a standard registration on the stock exchange, familiarize yourself with the rules of work and pass a literacy exam. Having received a task on viewing a video, you need to perform it accurately and watch to the end, then in accordance with the task to put like or write a comment. The accuracy of the task increases the rating and confidence of the customer, and, consequently, earnings.

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Service to make money on watching video

Service Provides the opportunity to earn money related to video polls. Hourly payment in US dollars does not mean round-the-clock video view, they are very short - up to 1 minute. Polls available for processing are open at the Consumer Service menu item. If you increase the circle of invited to to 50 people, using the affiliate program, then you will be charged with interest with their earnings. To significantly increase income can be invited to the project of advertisers.

Placing your own video on files

For work on Internet services pay a little. It does not always cover the cost of the Internet and energy consumption. But for beginners without experience, this is a good way to teach earnings on the Internet that does not require investments. In the future, with an increase in the author's rank, he is given more complex and better paid tasks. You can earn more significant by writing your own videos, clips, video tutorials. The created file is placed on files.

To bring an income when viewing when viewing, it is necessary to put an advertisement on the page along with it and lay out a link to the movie in social networks. Get advertising on a page with video can be registered in Google Adsense. Requires the existence of a personal site. Create your blog on It is possible by the template, without having special website skills. Register to Adsense and connect Google Adsense for video. Now you can go to YouTube from Google Account.

For advertising on video pay up to $ 1, which is more than in the designers and other services. Payment depends on the popularity of the roller and the number of its views.

Unfortunately, some projects are closed due to the lack of advertising customers. Be vigilant, choosing a service, fear scammers. On some of them, at best, you will be left without earnings. At worst - instead of money will come viruses.

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