How to get out of the WORLD OF TANKS clan

How to get out of the WORLD OF TANKS clan

Clans are one of the inalienable parts of the WORLD OF TANKS network game. With their help, it is possible to significantly raise your income, to use the tanks on the promotion and increase the account rating. That is why most popular strategy players try to join the community.

Sometimes players are quite difficult to withstand the game pace of the entire clan. A large number of training, the need to enter the game into a clear appointed time and follow the statistics - are considered the main reasons why players leave such communities.

If necessary, the player may leave the clan at any time, but the process was slightly complicated by the developers so that users more responsibly relate to the entry into the clans. In general, the exit from the community is a lighter enough, but there are certain limitations that will appear at the player who left their community.

How to exit the WORLD OF TANKS clan: instruction

You can exit the community by performing the following sequence of actions.

  • Go to World of Tanks game.
  • Complete authorization: Enter the login and password from your account.
  • Click on the "Login" button.
  • Log in to your profile by clicking on the nickname that appears on the site of the "Login" buttons and "Register".
  • Find the "Clans" link and go through it. Sites can differ slightly depending on the device version. Therefore, the "Clans" button may also be missing in the profile menu. In this case, it is necessary to enter the player's profile, but immediately to the "community" section in a separate tab. Here you can find the desired button and press it.
  • After switching to the desired section, the player needs to find the link "Leave the clan" and click on it. As soon as he does it, the user will stop being a community member.
  • If the clan was abandoned, the player loses the ability to submit applications to other communities for two days. He will also not be able to create his own clan. Such a restriction was introduced so that users do not change the clans every day and belonged to joining the community more seriously and responsibly.
  • If the player deleted his commander from the clan, then the opportunity to enter another or create its community is also limited to 2 days.
  • After leaving the clan, the player will lose its credibility in the strategy. As a result, on his tags, left on the map, or orders given to them, no attention will not pay attention. It is especially hard to users with purple strategy statistics: Some players can immediately start shooting in such users. Therefore, before going out of the community, it is recommended to think twice for not regret.

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