Top 10 PC Strategies

Top 10 PC Strategies

A lot of real lovers of games can not do without such a genre as strategies. It is about them that will be discussed in this article. We will look at the top 10 of the best strategies that are already popular with lovers or even players professionals.

1) Starcraft II. . This is one of the most popular new products in the area of \u200b\u200bgaming strategies. The game events occur four years after the incident in the Blood War game. The main hero of the game is John Rhiner. It was he and his whole team of thugs pass a large number of tests on the way to knowing new stories of their world. The plot line of the game includes more than 25 missions and tasks. Of course, it was not without additional levels. The game is much more cards and opponents, as well as noticeably improved graphics, compared with previous versions. And in the online mode, users can play for different groups of heroes, creating their own strategy strategy. Starcraft II can be purchased on the official Blizzard Games website, and the cost is about 1,500 rubles.

Dota II, which has already managed to earn noticeable respect from the true fans of online games of the strategy genre. In such mode, more than 2 million players from around the world are involved. Events unfold in real time. In the online mode of the game, two teams take part, five people each. One of them is the bright side of the heroes, the second one is dark. The player can manage only one of the heroes, which has special skills, skills and knowledge. By earning a larger amount of gold or collecting objects, the player can increase the level of his hero. The purpose of this game is to destroy the main base of the opponent's team. To buy a game, you first need to register with the Steam system, where you need to have a personal account. The game itself is free, but there is an opportunity to improve the characteristics of your own hero faster, but already paying for this money.

SID Meier's Civilization V. The game came out back in 2010, but to this day it takes a leading position in the top strategy. Each player is the leader of one of the states of the game. The main objective of this strategy is to lead your power to victory through war with other nations. To achieve a common goal in 5 parts of this game, users have the opportunity to unite to achieve common goals. It is also possible not to participate in any wars, but only to protect your territories and improve the welfare of the Power. In the new version of the game, the schedule is noticeably improved, as well as there is a convenient user interface for navigating during the game.

Spore game from the manufacturer Electronic Arts. She came out back in 2008, and you can install it on both the computer and the phone. At the beginning of the game, each player is just a microorganism that lives at the bottom of the ocean. The main goal of such an organism is to evolve into a reasonable creation. The hero should not only build its own galaxy, but also capture the whole universe. As the hero improves, the game becomes more difficult, thereby turning into a full-scale strategy.

Heroes of Might and Magic 3. It is present on the market for more than 15 years and during this time not only improved, but also got tremendous popularity. The tactic of this game is the battle with enemy armies. All fighting occurs in a separate screen of the screen. Players can choose their own level of complexity of missions.

Shogun 2. The plot is that nine clans in Japan are fighting for the sole power over its empire. Each player is a representative of one clan. The purpose of such a player is to develop military strategies against enemy troops, to conduct an external policy that will improve the well-being of the empire. In the second part of the game, the schedule and much more missions and maps are noticeably improved on which you can develop your lands or lead war with opponents.

Warhammer 40,000 is a fairly specific game. The fact is that in it all events unfold in space. But, nevertheless, it is simply a huge popularity. The main goal of such a strategy is to protect its territory in space. In the process of a game of the game, all members of the Order will be subject to different types of tests, which will eventually lead to the main rays of the secrets and conquest of the entire outer space of the universe.

Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne. This strategy is the most popular in the world. She came out back in 2003, and by today there is a huge number of game modifications, which developers all the time add something new. The goal of the game is to become the king of the whole world and conquer other nations.

Heroes of Might and Magic 5 is a step-by-step strategy. All participants in the gameplay are observed for the events around the Impire of Griffins, which are constantly attacked by enemy forces. The user has the opportunity to play both for the empire and for the flag of opponents. The main goal of the game is to take all the power of the empire to the hands.

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2. The events of this strategy occur not yet in this distant twentieth century, when the forces of the USSR were defeated. The main character of the game, Yuri (Counselor of the Russian Prime Minister), decides to return the mightiness to the Union. In the process of the game, the Russian army fights with American troops. In the new part of the game, the schedule is noticeably improved and a huge number of new locations has been added.

As a result, I would like to say that this top collected very popular strategies around the world, so they can be honored to recognize the best from the best.

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