How to earn warbax, loans, crowns in Warface

How to earn warbax, loans, crowns in Warface

Want to get another gun in Warface, but it is not enough warbaks trite? Want to get loans without paying real money for them? Or want to get an elite round-97, but the crown only enough for minor things? If you want to get one of these currencies - to your attention this material.

How to get warbacches in warface

First of all, it is worth understanding that no applications for the preparation of warbax simply exist. If you met a similar advertisement on the Internet or in the game itself, it is nothing more than an attempt to access your data, or more than that - to your real means.

But, in any case, you will be able to get the required number of Varbax, without resorting to the help of third-party programs:

  • Take part in special operations. The largest number of warbacs can be obtained by passing the operations "Snow Bastion" and "Liquidation". It is worth noting that some part of the Varbaks you have to pay for repair, but in any case the end residue will be quite high.
  • Buy a VIP accelerator. The easiest VIP will give you an increase in the amount of 75% of the funds received, and the accelerator with the prefix "Super" - 165%. If you buy two accelerators at once, the total amount of funds received will be increased by 255%. We think the benefit from this service is unnecessary.
  • Come in the game daily. If you visit the toy every day, the Warface administration will give you good gifts. And besides, you will always get a gun, a knife and a body armor, and this suggests that there will be no need to waste on their fix.
  • Use the initial equipment. Yes, of course, their characteristics are poor, but they do not ask for repairs. Alternatively, you can use a temporary credit items, but remember that their use will have to pay real funds.
  • In PvP, choose "Storm" and "meat grinder." These modes are ideally suited for this currency.
  • Varbaksy purchase in the store. This embodiment is attractive gamers having a large number of free credits.

How to get the crown in Varfeys

In total there are several options by which you can get this currency:

  • Come PvE-missions. The greatest amount of crowns you can get by passing level job "Pro", but do not neglect the simpler missions. With the passage of watch points for the murder and the speed of passage.
  • Perform contracts. For the performance of the most complex contract, you can get up to 50 crowns.
  • Participate in tournaments. This is one of the most difficult choices produce coronas, and get this currency will be only those commands that according to the results of the competition will be included in the first eight.
  • Participation in the "Race of the clans." If you participate in the race clans, you will receive a monthly crown, but only if the clan will be in the top ten.

How to get loans Varfeys

Here it seems that everything is simple - take real money, take them to the terminal, get loans. But there are ways to get loans without any real means of infusion:

  • Observe the rules of the game. Fair play is able to bring you not only the respect of the players, but also earnings. Note that in the New Year and birthday administration will encourage everyone.
  • Meet with the players in the real world. Each month, the administration is holding meetings in different cities, during which distributes nehily number of bonuses. It is worth noting that the only players to be admitted to the meeting, which is already 18 years old.
  • Carefully keep your account. administration of the game is very welcomes the commitment of the players to make your account more secure, and constantly rewards VIP-accelerators players who comply with the key rules.
  • Take part in tournaments. So, the winners of Open Cup are rewarded not only crowns and loans, but also real money.

Successful battles!

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ruzil 08.19.2017 at 22:24

you are cool

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