How to knock out the box in the warface

How to knock out the box in the warface

Fortune boxes in Warface (Varboxes) - game sets purchased for warbacches or loans from which you can get such objects as the signs of resurrection, mines, grenades, etc. But the main gift that will actually get in good luck boxes is a weapon issued forever. At the moment, key types of weapons are available in boxes: Desert Eagle, AA-12, AWM (sniper weapons), AK-47 (attack aircraft weapons), Daewoo K7 (engineer weapons). Note that the boxes purchased for loans will always be greater, and weapons in these boxes will have more impressive characteristics.

Knock good luck in warface

How to successfully knock out the box in the game - not only newcomers are asked by this question, who want to replenish their arsenal with automata, pistols, shotguns, etc. With good features at the very beginning of the game, but also more advanced players with shoulders experience. On the resources dedicated to the warfice, you can find a huge number of articles as you need to buy boxes, what time to open boxes and everything in this spirit. In fact, this is all clean water to sell, because there is no algorithm for knocking out weapons from the boxes; All those who speak about the existence of the "working" schemes, just brazenly trying to inflate or deceive themselves. In addition, there is no dependence on the rank of players, as well as on the number of resources spent on the boxes themselves. The issuance of objects depends solely from good luck!

On the example we will analyze the structure of the box using the example "Type 97":

  • Type 97 is provided forever;
  • FN F2000 is issued for 3-7 days;
  • H & K USP is issued for 3-7 days, a very smart pistol;
  • the blue smoke grenade is issued in an amount of 1-3 pieces, it can well cover "ass";
  • stunning grenade is issued in an amount of 5 pieces;
  • units of experience 250/500/1000/1500 and Varbax 100/400/750/1000/3000/10000.

The most faithful scheme that really works:

  • buy 5 boxes;
  • open them;
  • if the desired item was not received, we simply repeat these simple steps once over time.

Tips for the game

  • Do not put a huge amount of funds right away. If you throw, for example, 500 credits, but at the same time you will not get anything to knock, then do not be discouraged, because tomorrow there will be another opportunity.
  • You can put a small amount of funds. If "diluted" a certain amount of money, try to get out of the game, put some more money and try to ride the drawers a little more.
  • Do not look for intermediaries. On the Internet, it is often possible to meet "Shamans" and other "masters", which claim, allegedly can knock out the necessary things with just one box. In no case should not turn to them, because with a high probability you will lose your account forever. Also do not look for any third-party programs, because they simply do not exist.

The algorithms of knocking simply do not exist, but here immediately stands up a reasonable question: why many articles on sites are deceiving users? Answer this question will help statistics of search queries in Yandex.

The image shows us that the topics of the boxes are very popular among the players of Warfias, that is, writing articles on the production of AK47, Digo, AWM or Daewoo K7 can bring a considerable number of users to the site that, ultimately, will allow administrators to make money on advertising.

Finally, we will give a simple advice: first of all try to knock out from the boxes of mines or signs of resurrection, and only then only weapons. Just try not to think about weapons, knock out other items, and the guns someday themselves will fall out.

Only the developers themselves know the full process of issuing objects, but it can be estimated to say that the smoke grenade you can knock with a probability of 50%, the knife with a probability - 30%, weapons for a while - 20%, and the gun you need - with a probability of approximately 5- eight%. As you can see, the probability of knocking out the gun is very small, so from the first and second time you don't need something necessary for everyone.

Good luck!

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