How to create a personal account

How to create a personal account

Most online stores, social networks, forums and other sites of various orientations require the creation of a personal account that will allow the use of resource opportunities to fully. In the creation of a personal office there is nothing complicated, and we will tell you how to do it right.

What is a personal account

Personal account is a personal page of the user to which you can get only if you know the username and password. Personal account is also called account account. Registration On the site opens up the user wide opportunities for its use, which are not available at simple resource viewing. Often, information that cannot be kept in the personal account that in no case cannot be opened by unauthorized persons, for example, data of access to a bank card or e-wallet.

How to create a personal account on the website

To register an account, it is necessary to acquire the current email, since it usually comes a link to activate the account. Some Internet resources, most often those related to financial activities, require you to enter the phone number. Subsequently, you will send SMS messages to the account to enter the account.

Here is the instructions for creating a personal account:

  • Sign in to the main page of the site you need. As a rule, the registration button is already on the main page. It can be called differently, for example, "Create Account", "Create an account", "Registration". Making certain actions on the site may be impossible without creating an account, because you will be offered to register when you try to produce such an action.
  • By clicking on the appropriate button, you will open the registration window. There, in the appropriate fields, you must enter personal information. As a rule, this is the name, surname, patronymic, email address. Some sites offer to specify the address of the residence, for example, if we are talking about the online store. And resources for online banking or to create electronic wallets will also require you a phone number, and sometimes passport data.
  • Entering all the necessary information, come up with a reliable password. It is desirable that it consists of letters of different register and numbers. Sometimes the system itself estimates the reliability of the password and tells you about it.
  • Then enter the password again to check its correctness - for this there is an existing field.
  • The site will probably offer you to read and take a custom agreement, where your rights and responsibilities are reported when working with this resource. Putting a tick in the right place, you will agree with the conditions set.
  • Read again all the specified information. If everything is true, you can press the "Registration" button or similar by the title. You still may be asked to enter a captcha - a small test for checking that you are a living person, not a robot. Having done everything as it should, you will create a personal account.
  • The email address you specified should come the link with further instructions. After the link, you will get on the same site again, but at the same time activate your account. At this stage, registration can be considered successfully perfect.

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andrey 12/11/2017 at 6:19

what song in video?

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Michael 19/09/2018 at 11:10

do not know

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Michael 19/09/2018 at 11:12

And how to create a personal account, eh?

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