How to create a login and password

How to create a login and password

The Internet has become an integral part of our life. It gives us the opportunity to find answers to all questions, share information and communicate with friends on social networks.

For frequent use by one site, it becomes necessary to save the information on it or start the page. Make it possible in your account, enter which is necessary through the login and password. How to make them reliable and thereby protect your data, read in the article.

How to create reliable login

Login is the name of the person in the worldwide network, which is necessary for identifying in it. It usually consists of a set of signs or email. To protect the entered information, you need to create reliable login. To do this, follow the following recommendations.

  • Often login is visible to other Internet users, so you should not pick up signs chaotically. Come up with a beautiful combination of letters with numbers in which visitors to the site will be able to determine you. Here, the case of letters does not matter. There is no difference if you select Login for yourself with the name Vera, Vera or Vera.
  • Also use additional words, characters, dashes and other characters for the site. For example, $ vera $ or ledi_vera.
  • It is not recommended to apply for registration on the site the same username with password. They will lead to a rapid hacking page.
  • Your date of birth or relatives, bad option for login.
  • Many sites offer their users instead of login to use the email address. This option is safe, you just remember it.
  • If you want to register with several similar sites, then choose the same login for them. So it's easier to remember for all pages.

How to create a reliable password

If login is a name, then password - protection. It is necessary to come to his choice seriously. It will be the main obstacle to the hacking account.

  • Do not use only one numbers or small letters for the password.
  • Names with the names of relatives and loved ones, date of birth, are a weak way to protect profile. They are primarily selected to enter someone else's page.
  • Reliable password It consists of a combination of numbers, characters and letters with different register. Also take advantage of the letters in different languages.
  • Create a long name protection. Most sites suggest you about the degree of password reliability. Be sure to use this function.
  • Many browsers offer to remember the password with the login. This makes it easier to enter the profile, but reduces protection against hacking. Therefore, it is better to manually enter authorization data.
  • Come up with a password that you can remember. Record it or save email registration letters - a bad idea. They are willing to take advantage of hackers.

Musture your personal information on the site is easy. To do this, follow such simple tips and be sure to use them in practice while creating a login and password.

For more information about Reliable Account Protection, see the video:

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