The browser itself opens with advertising - how to remove

The browser itself opens with advertising - how to remove

If dubious activity appeared in your computer, and it concerns the browser, then the whole system can be affected. There are often cases when the newly installed program has had a virus and tried to access email or passwords. At best, this virus simply wants you to show obsessive advertising by opening a browser without your participation. It is necessary to deal with such a problem at once, without waiting for other consequences and losses, as malware has been listed with an infected program or expansion. In this article, you are offered three ways to cure a computer: cleaning programs on a computer manually, using antivirus, deleting extensions in the browser. Try everything, and the browser will stop opening without your participation.

The browser itself opens with advertising - scan the computer with antivirus

If there is no antivirus on your computer, then it is time to install it: Currently it is almost impossible to be on the Internet and freely download programs without a good antivirus, which is always enabled. Open any of the installed antiviruses and follow the instructions:

  • On the example of free Antivirus Avast Free Antivirus, go to the "Protection" tab. All antiviruses work according to the same principle.

  • Click on the "Antivirus" field.
  • It will also not be superfluous to check whether your firewall is included. In free versions, as a rule, this function is absent, but it is very useful for solving such tasks.

  • Of all the types of scanning you need a complete - the longest and most thorough of possible.

  • Run the computer scan and wait until the procedure is over. If you didn't do this before, most likely, you have small malicious segments. It is better to move away and engage in your business while the computer is diagnosed.

  • As soon as everything is over, you will see the result on your screen. If no malicious software is detected, then the problem lies elsewhere. But in the case when viruses are detected on your computer - you need to urgently remove infected objects and clear the basket.
  • After that, it is quite likely that the problem of advertising in the browser will eliminate.

The browser itself opens with advertising - delete the programs manually

Often, the inattentive users forget to read the text in the installer of a particular program and install on your computer malware by mistake. If you entered a viral banner in this way, it will definitely get into the browser.

  • Download and install the CCleaner program by reference to the official site
  • Choose your system. The installation will not cause any difficulties, as simple and ordinary.

  • Going into the program, go to the "Tools" tab in the left side.

  • Look carefully on the list of programs installed on your computer. You may notice an excess software that should not be here.
  • Once you have seen such a program, click on it and click on the "Run Uninstaller" button on the right side of the screen from above. Soft immediately uninstalled and disappear forever from your computer. Often such programs are called "VULKAN" or "KAZINO".

  • After that you need to clean the cache of the computer. Go to the "Cleaner" tab, then to another tab "Applications" and put all the checkboxes in the list with your browser. Click on the "Run Cleaner" field on the right below.

  • Then go to the "Windows" tab and do not touch the ticks, as they are already exhibited in the right place. Press the same button again to perform cleaning.
  • Restart your computer and try to go to the browser again.

An advertisement browser itself opens - disable extensions in the browser

An important point, since it is often that it is the cause of advertising. You need to turn off all additions, expansion and plugins to the browser and restart it. If the problem is solved, then the blame is really plugins or additions. You will have to include them one by one and restart the browser again. That plugin, after the inclusion of which the advertisement appeared again, and there is a malicious one.

  • Click the menu button in the browser and find the "Add-on" or "Extension" field.

  • Disconnect all extensions by clicking on the appropriate button in the string. Just do with the plugins. Now you have left to follow the advice above and gradually and include.
  • So you will learn which of the valid plugins.

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