The Internet has become an important part of our virtual life. Unfortunately, when viewing different useful pages, annoying advertising is interferes, sometimes indecent content. Locking advertising on visited web pages is not part of the functions of browsers, and Google Chrome is not an exception here. You can get rid of troubles related to unwanted advertising on the Internet using the useful adblock extension installed for the Google Chrome's favorite browser users.
Open the Google Chrome browser. In the upper right corner, click on the "Settings and Management of Google Chrome" icon (icon in the form of three horizontal strips). Move the mouse over the "Tools" string and in the open submenu, select the "Extensions" string. The chrome: // Extensions / System page opens. Here you will see all the installed and enabled extensions. Click on the link "More Extensions" - it is located under them.
In the online store chromium, find the Adblock expansion. This extension is distributed free of charge. To install it, go to the online store link On the "Extensions" tab and in the search bar, type "Adblock", press "ENTER". In the list of found similar extensions, find the right one - from the official representative and click on the "+ Free" button.
In the process of installing AdBlock, the browser will ask you to provide advanced access to your data, tabs, visits magazine. Do not worry, your data will remain confidential and affordable Adblock no more than they are available to the chrome browser. Confirm the setting of the new extension by clicking on the Add button.
Installing the Adblock extension does not take much time. At the end of the process, the Adblock button will appear at the top of the right in the browser window chrome. Then the page of making voluntary donations. If you are not going to pay, just close this tab. Most of the unwanted advertising will now cut out from open Internet pages by the Adblock expansion.
Note the numbers on the Adblock button is the number of locked items on an open web page with advertising. Advertising on all sites are blocked without exception to filters installed in expansion. Sometimes there is no advertising on the site, and the numbers indicate its availability. Click the Adblock button to change the expansion settings if you need to change the statistics of its work. In the first four items opened, the first four items allow you to perform a number of useful actions: to suspend the expansion work, launch the advertising lock wizard to create new filters, create a filter for a specific page and exception for an open site as a whole.
To work with the Adblock extension, there is no need to change its settings. For convenience, it is enough to use the default settings. All others are secondary importance and are unlikely to use the usual, not advanced user. Adblock + extension is characterized by manual setting. We must click "Alt + B" and click on advertising.
i click install it says "Install Expansion" Press there I write an error occurred there is 2 selection update or close I click update and install it does not work again (((((
i click install it says "Install Expansion" Press there I write an error occurred there is 2 selection update or close I click update and install it does not work again (((((
Thank you, your recommendations were very helpful.
Installed. But the "free" buttons do not exist. There is a "Install" button.
the Adblock extension (ID: GIGHMMPIOBKLFEPJOCNAMGKKBIGLIDOM) is blocked by the administrator.
Bees against honey. Then I would remove the advertisement on this page.