How to save video from VK on phone

How to save video from VK on phone

Video Gallery of the social network VKontakte contains a huge variety of different videos: ranging from jokes and jokes, ending with the films and TV shows. And it happens that you need to have this video on your phone to watch it without access to the Internet or use for your own purposes. Officially, such a function on the site is not due to the existence of copyright.

How to download video on your phone through a computer?

This method is one of the most accessible and simple. It is enough to have a computer, telephone and Internet access.

  • Go to the mobile version of the site.
  • Open the video that we want to download.
  • Press the right mouse button on the video and select the obtained menu «Save video as ».
  • Click OK and wait until the video boots to the computer.
  • Next, using a USB cable or file sharing transfer to our videos on a mobile phone or smartphone.

There are several specialized programs for downloading video and music from Vkontakte to a computer or phone. For example, SaveFrom, Videoder.

How to download video on android phone?

To download the video for Android smartphones, we will need special applications. Here is some of them:

  • "Download video from VK »,
  • "Video VK. ».

These applications have the choice of the quality of the stored file. Quality depends on how much memory you have on the phone, as well as from the target you download the video.

In order to download video through the application you need:

  1. Through the site or VKontakte application to select the desired video and copy the link to it
  2. In the application for downloading the video, insert this link, select the quality and press ready.
  3. After completing the download, the video will be in your gallery or files.

There are also special online services, extensions for PCs and bots in the app telegrams that will help download the video for the phone. For example, GetVideo. When working with them, it is also enough to insert a link to the desired video and select the format.

How to download video on iOS phone?

For the iPhone operating system also exist applications for downloading video.

For example, File Manager. This application allows you to download a file from the Internet to Apple's devices. To do this, set this application and go to the browser to the page with the desired video. Click on the play and in the window that appears click download. After the download is completed, the video can be found in the gallery or in files.

In order to download the video for a smartphone from the social network VK, there are many ways: online services, bots and applications. Everyone can choose for itself suitable, functions and frequency of use. For example, if you download the video daily, it will be easier to install a special application on the phone to speed up the process. And if it is a rare case, then you can save online or through the function "Save as » and then throw the video to the phone.

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