Not every family parents can provide the child to the level of comfort that he would like to have. Sometimes children's requests exceed the possibilities of the family budget, to ask the parents from parents is difficult and inconvenient. In such a situation, many children begin to think about independent money making money to have the full right to dispose of them at their discretion.
A child who received a passport upon reaching 14 years is capable, has the right to employment. Some employers do not want to communicate with children under 18, but there are also those who consider this category very promising. The fact is that schoolchildren usually agree to a low payment, fulfill all the wishes of the authorities, trying to please do not have any requirements. The most important thing is that you need to understand: the study should not go to the background. Work is good, but to get common knowledge from the school program is simply necessary in order for the work in the future it is worthy, highly paid, interesting. Optimally - plan up staff for summer. If you have time for school subjects and feel the forces to work after classes - you can try to find work and in the course of the school year.
Getting stuck to job search, first of all, see the offices on the Internet, in local newspapers. Pay attention to the types of work where experience is not required, special knowledge, full-time employment. An excellent option can be a vacancy of the courier, promoter, seller, telephone operator. You can contact the labor youth exchange (in the employment service), but to make it better before the holidays start, while there are still good vacancies in stock. Do not be afraid to ask for advice from parents familiar. Perhaps one of them will tell you an interesting idea or recommends a specific place of work.
Children from 14 to 15 years can enter into an employment, civil contract only with the consent of parents to employment (issued in writing). There is a legislative restriction of labor clock for this category of children: no more than 24 hours a week. Additional vacancies: ads, promoter, courier.
Children over 15 years can work without parental consent. The best option will be a promoter, a flakeer. But you should understand that you have to spend a lot of time on your feet, while smiling. You can earn and install the software, of course, if you understand it. In addition, you can sell ice cream, sweet wool, balloons.
Children from 16 years have the right to work at 35 hours a week. At this age, the list of vacancies is significantly expanded: you can get a secretary, waiter, telephone operator, sales consultant.
It is possible to work and unofficially, performing the work with which you are familiar well. For example, to help young students in learning school items. Girls (especially in the presence of younger brother, sisters) can work with a nurse, if you are confident in your abilities, or distribute cosmetics. High school guys can do washing vehicles, cleaning the household plot, help in gardening. To find an employer, offer your services to neighbors, familiar, post ads at home, near the school.
Do not be afraid to take the initiative, ask permission from parents. Most likely, they will support your decision, help the Council, recommendations. Believe in your strength and remember that even a schoolboy can earn money.