In recent years, the prestige of the work time of the police has increased considerably. In some ways, this is due to the law, which initiated the reforms in this area in 2011, in some increase in awareness of the population and respect for the profession. Therefore, the number of those wishing to become a police officer has increased significantly in recent years. If you are thinking about in order to become a valiant guardian of order, please read this article. Here you will find the answer to the question - how to get a job in the police.
To start you off with the Regulation on the service in the Russian law-enforcement bodies as amended on June 30, 2002. Chapter II sets out the conditions of reception, as well as specific requirements for candidates for police work. If you do not meet them, then, alas, to settle the internal affairs of you do not get. According to Art. 8 of this Regulation, the candidates for the position of police officer must:- be between the ages of 18 and 35;
- have no criminal record and not be in a relationship with people who have it;
- have the appropriate business, ethical and moral qualities;
- have secondary (for other ranks), special secondary or higher degree (for officers);
- have a good physical preparation and have excellent health.
Military service is not obligatory, but if you were - for you it is only a plus. It will pay attention to the selection of staff to an existing vacancy. Alternative to military service is the passage of the military department at the university, or training in a specialized school.
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Police officer should be stable both physically and morally. Therefore, before taking a job, you will still have to pass the physical training exam and pass the psychological test.As you can see, a police station is quite real, but at the same time it is necessary to comply with fairly high requirements and perform a lot of conditions. This is not a fad of the legislator, but the need that is explained by the specifics of this profession.