What questions are asked about interview

What questions are asked about interview

It can be said that at 90% the interview will determine - you will get a job or not. Prepare for this process needed in advance as the exam. Perhaps candidates for the workplace will be somewhat and only one will win. Therefore, behave naturally, say calmly and confidently, be prepared for precipitative issues.

Sometimes it happens that the interview is reduced to filling the personal data. If not, then the first thing that wants to know the employer is information about you. Answer exactly and in the case. Do not post your biography. It is better to share your accumulated experience at the previous job.

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The question of why the choice was stopped on this company or company, should not catch you surprise. Learn all available information about the future place of activity. Tell me that you see good prospects for yourself in this organization, justify the answer.

Do not talk about the former service where you worked badly. When the interlocutors ask why they were calculated from the previous position, it is not necessary to remember conflicts with the same bosses. Answer that they did not fully implemented their capabilities, you wish to achieve more.

Honestly say who you still offered work. This will increase your credibility. Accordingly, it will have to explain why they refused vacancies.

The employer wants to know your weak and strong character traits. Do not stand too frank. Take the weak parties: the inability to rest, increased demands to others and to yourself. Strong: the ability to complete the work started to the end and not stop halfway.

Answer questions about personal life are briefly married, there are children, etc. Emphasize that the family will not impede work activity. If the future leader will ask you to ask you questions, you must be prepared for this. Ask about the mode of work, are there business trips, social privileges, what your job responsibilities. Perform recommendations For the successful passage of the dialogue.

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It is important at the first meeting with the employer to leave a good impression about yourself. Remember that it is not necessary to modify when they ask about the desired salary. After all, this specialist knows the price of its work.

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