How to determine the type of verb

How to determine the type of verb

One of the items in the study of the Russian language is to study such a part of speech as a verb. The verb has several forms, species, hinge. This article will focus in detail on how you can determine the type of verb. There are only two of them: perfect and imperfect.

Determine the type of verb with the help of the question

This is the easiest and most reliable option that does not require a lot of time and additional knowledge.

The verbs of the perfect species are answering the question "What to do (will do, did, did)?", And I ask the verbs of an imperfect look "What to do (does, did, did)?".

Determine the type of verb by the nature of the action

Perfect verbs indicate the action that by the time of the use of this verb has already been completed or will be completed to a certain time (or when any specific goal is reached). Also designate actions that do not need to be repeated. May indicate actions in the future, the main limit is the very implementation of this action. That is, the action is always limited by any framework.

The imperfect verbs are not limited to the time frame and can occur at the moment, denote long actions, actions requiring repeat.

Example. The verb "domain" means that something must be completely washed to some specific point. The action will be completed when the desired result is reached, it means the verb of the perfect species.

The verb "wash" means that something should be washed into an indefinite period of time. Due to the fact that the time of action is not limited, it can be concluded that the verb of an imperfect look.

However, it is not worth determining the type of verb only by value. It will be more reliable to add a question as we did in the first paragraph. So you can avoid random errors.

Determine the type of verb using the word analysis

Each of the types of verbs has some specific features in word formation. These signs can also tell you, with the verb of what kind you are dealing with.

For the verbs of the perfect species are characterized by the following signs:

  • consoles "C", "You", "By", "On", "Pro", etc.,
  • sufifix "Well."

For the verbs of the imperfect species are characterized by the following signs:

  • consoles "C", "You", "By", "On", "Pro", etc.,
  • sufifix "Iva", "Yva", "VA" and others.

After reading this article, you may notice that it is possible to determine the shape of the verb very quickly and without any special difficulties. It is only necessary to know several important rules and features, for example, what question is the question of this or that type of verb or which suffix is \u200b\u200bcharacteristic.

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