What is a verb in Russian

What is a verb in Russian

Russian language is the history of the people and an important part of our culture. But, unfortunately, few people right now boast of the ideal knowledge of this language. After all, he is rightfully considered the most difficult and people, afraid of difficulties, throw the learning process on half of the way. But, if you risk and take up the case with due recycling, the Russian language will not remain in debt, and it will be rich and rich. He who wants to achieve this should start with the basics, so in this article we will look at what is such a thing as verb.

What does the verb mean?

The verb is a variable part of speech, which describes any activity or the state of the subject (living creature).

For example: go, acquire, become, to sleep, take, call, open, think, etc.

To find out if the word verb is, it is necessary to ask it one of the questions: "What to do?", "What?".

Uncertain verb

All verbs in our language have an undefined (initial form or infinitive).

From other verb forms differ in the following parameters:

  • infinitive is a verb indicated in the dictionary;
  • the initial form has forming suffixes; - q; - Whose Example: oven, read, fly, etc.
  • the uncertain form is capable of maintaining only such properties as species, transition and refund.

Types of verb

The verbs are divided into perfect and imperfect:

  • Perfect verbs (sv) - give an answer to the question: "What to do?".

For example, read, write, open, etc.

The verb of the perfect species means that the action has already been fulfilled and it cannot be continued.

Such a verb has only two forms of time: the past, as well as the future ("What did you do?" And "What?").

  • Imperfect verbs (NSV) - give an answer to the question: What to do? ".

For example, hear, drink, travel, etc.

The imperfect verb is marked by either a long action, or the one that constantly repeats. That is, we are not able to determine the period of completion of the action.

The verbs of the NWS have all three temporary shapes: the past, present and future ("What did you do?" What do you do? "," What will you do? ").

Transitionality verb

In addition to the listed properties, the verb has such an attribute as an adequacy (non-speech).

Transient verb.  - This is a verb pointing to the action that goes to any object. From such verbs, you can ask a question to the noun or pronoun in the vinegenic (V.P.), or in the parental case (R.P.) (without an excuse).

For example: KLAL (what?) Handle (V.P.); did not bring (what?) Milk (R.P.), etc.

All other verbs that do not correspond to this parameter are referred to as non-transparent.

Return to verb

Returnal verbs are those verbs that have a suffix graduation - Xia (s).

Example: dry, wash, swim, resist, etc.

All those verbs that are not at the end of the sie (s) are non-returnable.

Among the return verbs there are such non-derived verbs that do not apply without suffix endings, for example, laugh, fight, etc.

Verb conjugations

Hiding is the conversion of the verb depending on the number and face, the endings of the verbs change.

The verbs have 2 categories of leasing, which differ across the following expirations:

  • 1 - Eat (YOU); - y (y); - e); - ETE (ETE); - Ut (b); Et (s);
  • 2 - Icher; - IT; - them; - AT (YAT); - Ite.

True by defining the hide, will not be difficult to write the ending of the verb.

The verb is an important component of the Russian language. If it is correct to study it, then we can skillfully expose all their intentions and actions, both on paper and orally.

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