How to determine the shape of the verb

How to determine the shape of the verb

When it comes to the shape of the verb, we say: "Verb building in the form of 2 faces of a plural number of future time." Based on this, we can say that the shape of the verb is a person + number + time. Building your answer for this formula, you never miss anything. And now we turn to the definition of all three terms.

Face and number to determine the shape of the verb

The person is the one who makes action. To determine it, ask a verb question who? or what?If the answer is:

  • i / we are the verb of 1 person, he belongs directly to the speakerphone or group of the persons in which it consists. For example: i will cook, we build;
  • you / you are the verb of 2 persons, it refers to the fact that we are talking to. For example: you are lying, you go,
  • he / she / it / they are the verb of 3 persons, he belongs to someone else (not to the speaker and not to the interlocutor). For example: he runs, she drinks, they are friends.

Time to determine the shape of the verb

Determine the time is very simple: it is done almost intuitive:

  • in the verbs of the present time, the action is happening now, this minute. Even if the time is not specified in the sentence, it can be understood independently. For example: Leper (when?)now build (when?) today,
  • in the verbs of the past time, the action takes place in the past: yesterday, a week ago, etc. For example: Discoval (when?)yesterday,
  • in the verbs of the future time, the action will only happen in an hour, tomorrow, etc. For example: learn (when?) tomorrow.


The verbs in an indefinite form have no genus, faces and numbers, but they have a view. Such verbs will end on -t, -th.or -Their form is determined by the question:

  • if the verb is asked a question what to do?, then he is a imperfect look. For example: (what to do?)read ;
  • if the verb is asked a question what to do?, then he is a perfect species. For example: (what to do?) Read.

Other verbs have species, but this is not specified when determining their form. It is worth noting that the verbs of the perfect species do not have the present time, because It is understood that the action is either completed in the past, or will be completed in the future.

It is easy to determine the shape of the verb, since everything is done almost intuitive, the main thing is to remember the algorithm: face + number + time.

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