How to learn German

How to learn German

Regardless of whether a long trial is planned to Germany, promotion, exam, or just want to replenish linguistic knowledge, you need to learn German high level. To master this language, bulk knowledge is needed: to speak freely, write and read.

Studying German Start with consonants and vowels. The vowels sound differently when they are in a pair with others or separately. And consonants - depending on the situation in the Word. It is best to learn all the rules of pronunciation.

Start replenishing the base of words from elementary "yes", "no", "Hello", learn to consider at least 10. Next, you can remember the basic vocabulary - verbs, adjectives, nouns, the expression "I", "they", "we", "you".

Then there is a study of the basic principles of building proposals, the correct pronunciation of words. For a real German to understand you, pay more attention to pronunciation, and not on the right order of words.

The next part is listening to live speech. You can see German films and understand speech rhythm. If it seems to you that the actors say too quickly, you can purchase special training audio and video cassettes. They explain in detail the pronunciation of individual syllables.

After listening, repeat the words, phrases. To understand whether you are talking right, you can write your speech on the voice recorder. Thus, you will learn exactly in which places you make a mistake, inaccurately utter sounds.

The next step is reading and writing. You can start with textbooks. Read and remember writing words, so you will quickly master the grammar.

It is quite difficult to learn German on its own, since there will be a tip, checks, guidelines for people who are needed. Executive teachers will help to avoid mistakes during pronunciation. German courses are available to everyone, and having Skype, you can promptly conduct classes.

To study German, it is necessary primarily desire. It is necessary to make efforts, want, and the result will be the knowledge of perfectly in a new foreign language.


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Ulyana 13/03/2016 at 0:40.

Who taught the language independently? How is it going? Is it even possible?

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Vera Kiryanova 03/13/2016 at 1:21

I didn't even try to learn my own, but asked for familiar reviews and advice, where better to appeal. Two friends advised the School of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bLanguages-and. I turned there and did not regret no one minute. I am comfortable to ride to school and our teacher I really like. Well, the most important thing is that I get it !! We are all very cute talking among themselves in the lesson. Another three years of category language and I want to go to Germany for a week to go to Germany, and the tongue is palm, and there will be a vacation.

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