How to make a phonetic word pars

How to make a phonetic word pars

Studying v school russian language, all we disassemble the words on fIUM a few methods. Total such Methods three. it morphological parse the words, morphemic and phonetic. Last from them, how rule, more all delivered difficulties v his assimilation. For such. disability required and good knowledge theory. on russian language, and possession subtle phondematic human. What same required for togo, to follow phonetic parse the words?  Let's remember instruction.

First of all, it is necessary to say out loud that you want to disassemble phonetically and listen to his sound. And then take a clean piece of paper, pencil or pen and write it. Let us under study will be the word ice cream. WORK it.

Now we have an emphasis in this word. At stress, a certain syllable is highlighted in the word. This is done with the help of the power of votes or increase the tone. We have an emphasis here to fall on the second syllable, namely, the letter O. in the account it costs the 4th in our analyzed Word.

The next phase of the phonetic analysis is the division of our word to syllables. Perform this action: Mo-ro-but-e. Slots in this word five. As you know, the number of vowels in the Word is equal to the number of syllables in it. We have vowels 5, respectively, the syllables also 5.

Now I will fulfill the phonetic transcription of the word ice cream. This is done by writing a word in square brackets. We write it down in the same way as hearing: [Mooring'e'e].

We write our test word in the column and characterize the sounds that are included in its composition. Each sound, with this, we need to enter into square brackets, and opposite write its characteristic.

  • m [m] - is a consonant sound; Sonorno; When he is in a pair, he is pronounced firmly, and when without a pair, then beam;
  • o [a] - acts vowels and unstressed;
  • p [P] - This sound is consonant and sonorn; When he is paired, it sounds firmly when without a pair, then bellish;
  • o [o] - he is vowel and shock;
  • well [F] - is consonant; In a pair, there is a ringing, but without a pair - firmly;
  • e [ъ] - this sound - reduced vowel; unstressed;
  • h [n] - he sounds firmly when he has a couple, and without it - a ringing;
  • o [ъ] - protrudes this sound with vowels (reduced); unstressed;
  • e [th '] - serves as consonants; Without a pair soft, with a pair - ringing; Sonorno;
  • [e] - vowel; unstressed.

Well, in the completion of the phonetic analysis of the word "ice cream" we will calculate how many letters and sounds in it. As a result, we had 9 letters and 10 sounds. Of the 10 sounds of our word 5 are consonants and the remaining 5 - vowels. Someone may have a question about the reduced vowel sound. What it is? We answer: this is the sound that sounds chalnly and very briefly.

Sound characteristics

So, we figured out how to perform a phonetic analysis of the words "ice cream". I learned how many letters and sounds in it were familiar with their characteristic. Based on this example, you can disassemble any word of the Russian language now. With the principle of phonetic analysis you are now familiar. We hope that our article you liked and on the basis of data obtained from it, you can phonetically explore any words without much difficulty.

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