How to check the root in the word

How to check the root in the word

How to find a root in the Word, we were still taught for the school desk. But the knowledge mined at school can overcome the background (if you, of course, are not a Russian language teacher). And after years, you already have a completely blurred idea of \u200b\u200bthe root of the word and how to check it. If suddenly your child asks you to help him with a homework or you need to make a competent statement, in which there should be no errors in unstressed root vowels, then this article will be useful to you.

The root is the main and obligatory part of the word. Any other - suffix, endings, consoles, postfix - may not be, but the root in each case is required. Therefore, look for it - and you will definitely find!

To find the root in the Word, pick a number of single (or as elsewhere they say - related words. For example, by the word "departure" you can choose the following single words - "pilot", "flying", "aircraft", "flying". From here it becomes clear that when changing the Wordformes, a single common root remains. Another example: Sadik's "Sadik", "Sad", "Saddy", "Garden" will be single-tempered by the word "parisader". Now look for in these words the general main morph. It is the root - SAD-. Everything is quite simple. It takes only a little attention.

It happens that in roots are possible vowel alternations. Suppose we are looking for single-handed words to the word "feeding" to strip its root. We begin to pick up, and then the following words come to mind - "Pringity", "feeding", "feed", "feed". Do not give in doubt if the sound of the root there is a difference (as we have - and -a-). In fact, this is the same root-cum, in which there is an alternation of sounds. To check whether these words are single-handed, pay attention not only to how the root sounds, but also on the lexical meaning of words.

There are situations and opposite to the above, when the roots sound are similar, but they have different meaning. For example, "Wearing" - "Freights" - "nasal" - "nose". Here the main part of the word is the same -, but words are different in their meaning, therefore are not single-handed.

Most often we are looking for a root in the Word, when we doubt his spelling. Check the unstressed vowels in the root can be as follows:

  • pick up such a word, in the root of which it would be an emphasis on "doubtful" vowels: Environmental (E / i) - light; Department (I / E / i) - Holy, Holiness; R (o / a) Zag.
  • find a word in any dictionary.

If it is not possible to find the root in the word, consult a special literature. The Morphemno-spelling dictionary will solve your problem in a matter of minutes, because in it all words are already disassembled by the most significant parts - Morphem. You can also test yourself and your morphem analysis, looking at its pages. The most authoritative and popular is the Morphemno-spelling dictionary Tikhonov A.N.

Knowledge of how to check the root in the Word will use you more than once. Therefore, remember them if you want to choose a competent person, and also introduce your precious chad with them.

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