How to translate from Russian to English

How to translate from Russian to English

With the help of English, you can communicate anywhere in the world, so the need for Russian-English translation often arises. In addition, this is one of the easiest languages, so it is quite realistic to cope yourself. This requires access to at least one of the following resources: a computer or mobile phone, Internet, Russian-English dictionary and a grammatical reference book, money is in extreme.

If your mobile phone or computer is always with you, you should download the electronic dictionary that your operating system supports. Their choice is great: from dictionaries with the translation of each word separately to multifunctional programs that can translate entire phrases or even texts that are more convenient for people who do not know English at all. In addition, there are various special dictionaries to transfer texts in a particular area, for example, economics, jurisprudence, medicine, etc.

If you do not have an installed e-dictionary, you can use Internet resources. In order to save time in search of a decent translator, use the following:

In the end, paper Russian-English dictionaries also no longer canceled - here all the words filed in alphabetical order. Often, such dictionaries include two parts: Russian-English translation and English-Russian. On the last pages, geographical names are usually placed.

First, think well in the material you are going to translate. If you even know English a little, see if there are familiar words, think about the style of the text (official-business or conversational).

Start Transfer: Look for an unfamiliar word or phrase in the dictionary and choose the most suitable value according to the context. It is very important to find exactly the equivalent that will fully transmit the value of the Russian counterpart.

Next, deal with the syntax - in this aspect with English easily. As a rule, the order of words in the English proposal is: subject to, led, supplement, circumstance. Use the Grammar Handbook to select the correct form of words, pay special attention to the time.

If you are poorly dealt in English or you have little time, you can translate all the text at once with the help of electronic dictionaries. But at the same time, keep in mind that the text in English will be with errors.

Re-read the translated text: Correct the errors, put the punctuation marks, check if it is not missing and does the meaning understand? One Council for beginners: Try to translate your English text back into Russian. Was it the same? Well, at the extreme case you will help you money. If you feel that the translation is absolutely not for you, I simply do not have time or you need to translate a very important document - contact the translation agency.

So learned to translate into English, it is plentyless - choose depending on your capabilities and knowledge of the language. Good luck!

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