What is a syntactic analysis

What is a syntactic analysis

In Russian, the process of syntactic analysis is considered to be an alternate comparison of words with the allocation of some subset from a plurality of all words. The result is the syntactic sediment, which is used in conjunction with lexical analysis. The syntactic analysis makes it possible to analyze the structure of the sentence, which increases the level of punctuation literacy.

The syntactic parse is acceptable to be performed both in simple and complex offers, as well as in phrases. In each example, its analysis scenario, in which the characteristic components are emphasized. In syntax analysis, it is necessary to possess the ability to highlight the phrase from proposals, and also determine what proposal is simple or difficult. In addition, it should be understood how the phrase is built, and assign the type of communication. There are such types of communication: coordination, adjoining, control. When syntaxed analysis, you need to choose the desired phrase in the sentence, then set the main word. The next step will be the determination of time, inclinations, as well as the person and number of the main word.

As for the analysis of a simple proposal, it is necessary to initially determine it for the purpose of the statement, namely, the narrative, prompted or questional. Then you need to find the subject and fault. The next step is determined by the type of sentence - it is single or twisted. After finding out the presence in the sentence of words in addition to the subject and faithful, which will allow us to say - common or unprosted. Next will be the establishment - a complete or incomplete offer.


We will analyze such an example: "I did not listen to the music of Beethoven's more beautiful." Let's consider proposal simple. Endowed with one grammatical basis - "I did not listen." "I" - subject, personal pronoun. "Not listened" - a simple verb, which is tamed, which includes a particle "not". The proposal presents the following secondary members of "music" - an addition, expressed by nouns. "Beautiful" - a definition expressed by adjective in a comparative degree. "Beethoven" is an addition, noun. Now it is possible to characterize this proposal - it is narrative, not exclamation; on the structure - simple, since one grammatical basis; Twisted - there are both main member; common - after all, there are secondary members; Full - no missed members. There are no homogeneous members in the sentence.

The procedure for syntax parsing may be different. Sometimes it is necessary to give a characteristic complex proposal as a whole, and sometimes to disassemble the parts that are part of it that are organized as simple offers. Consider a variant of a more detailed syntactic parsing. First, we determine the proposal for the purpose of the statement. Then the type of intonation. After that, simple proposals should be found in the composition of the complex and determine their bases. Next, we allocate the means of communication between parts of a complex sentence and indicate the type of offer for communication. We are determined with the presence of secondary members in each part of the complex proposal and indicate whether parts are common or non-prolonged. In the next step, we note the presence of homogeneous members or circulation.

Taking advantage of the sequence and rules of the syntactic analysis, will not make much difficulty to make the correct syntactic analysis of the proposal, although the sixth-grader is most likely to take place at the silent speed.

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