What is remote learning

What is remote learning

The large variety of educational institutions of different levels is complemented by various forms of the educational process: full-time, correspondence, remote. The most democratic option is distance learning.

Distance learning is a form of an educational process, in which the interaction of the teacher with students is carried out at a distance through various types of mediated communications. Indirect communication is a bilateral exchange of information in the form of texts, audio or video records, tables, pictures, etc.

Distance learning has all components of the educational process: the goals of training and education, curriculum and programs, methodology. Curriculums occur remotely. Currently, in connection with the rapid development of computer and Internet technologies, there are several of the most common forms of exercises in remote learning:

  • chat classes are carried out in real time with simultaneous access to it all participants in the educational process, communication occurs simultaneously and in parallel;
  • web classes are carried out using the forum on the Internet site, where each participant in the educational process leaves records for a specific topic, the exchange of information may occur asynchronously in contrast to chat classes;
  • teleconference (audio conference or video conferencing) are based on the distribution of educational materials in digital form to e-mail of each student or in various media using post offices or carriers.

The means of implementation in remote learning are information technologies:

  • methods for transferring various kinds of information - television, postal and other communication networks;
  • methods used depend on the technical environment used to exchange information.

Advantages of distance learning:

  • the ability to online and offline learning through the use of audio or video lectures, which saves the time of the teacher to carry out the same classes in various groups and allows students to choose a convenient time for listening to lectures;
  • the possibility of simultaneously learning more than those who want;
  • the efficiency of distance learning is expressed in reducing the costs of the educational process and related additional expenses (rental of training premises, hostels, transportation to the place of study, etc.);
  • the possibility of creating a unified educational base, for example, in corporate training;
  • the use of specialized electronic libraries;
  • the ability to conduct final control at a distance.

Distance learning standards include not only educational norms and rules, but also the requirements for the software used.

Remote-learning (1)

The remote form of training is very popular among those who want to receive additional education or improve their qualifications in the already received profession.

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