How to get a scientific degree

How to get a scientific degree

A degree is a level of qualification of a researcher. Any scientist can work in specialized research institutes, laboratories of specialized enterprises and similar establishments, one way or another related to scientific developments in any industry. But if the scientist also claims to teach at the university, he will need to receive a degree. In Russia, today, two scientific degrees are awarded - candidate and doctor of science.

In order to reach degree, you need to go through the hard way of learning. Enrolled in the university and watched only two years, you can safely argue that you have incomplete higher education. At the same time, if there is no desire or opportunity, you will already receive a learning document.


After studying for another 2 years, you will qualify for Bachelor. In parallel with training for bachelor, you can already receive the formation of a specialist. If you decide to go further into science and want to teach, then without the formation of "Master" it does not shine. Those. After receiving the rank of bachelor, you need to still undergo a competitive selection for training in the magistracy.


Next, you need to choose that method of learning, which you are more suitable. This may be a full-time or correspondence graduate school, awareness or self-preparation. In this case, in this case, in full-time graduate school, when the future scientist has its own supervisor who does not only help in studies, but also attracts graduate student to his scientific papers and projects. The plus of full-time graduate school is that the student receives a scholarship.

To obtain a scientific degree, it is necessary to prepare thesis, the topic of which you can choose in conjunction with your supervisor. If you stop on the degree of candidate of science, then your dissertation will be considered the dissertation council at the place of your training. If after the candidate you want to still protect the dissertation, then be prepared that the expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia will judge it.

Any scientific extent gives great advantages when hiring to work, and, of course, the salary of the candidate or doctor will be an order of magnitude higher than that of an ordinary teacher. So if you love science very much and want to share your knowledge with young people, then first study yourself, get a scientific degree and further look for an interesting job. By the way, Russian candidates and doctors of science can find excellent work and abroad.

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Salamander 07/23/2018 at 8:18.

The shaft of fake dissertations in the humanitarian and social sciences (Gon) will grow. The desire of not only academicians, doctors and candidates of humanitarian (philosophy, economics, political science), but also the officials of the budget sphere to the honorary, light and comfortable life at the expense of the state will be. increase From the Soviet, Stalin's time on the economic departments of universities, a feudal system was formed, where the head of the Department of Gun - Feodale, and subordinates (graduate students, teachers, st. free bricklayer ", the title of free professor. Feodal (head of the department) operates his slaves and assigns their work and surplus value. Only the head of the pulpita feudal can open his mouth and shook the people of the words "wisdom." Only feudal determined who and what will publish. His cathedral slaves in humble and services of the body should be achieved by the wisdom of feudal.
Chimer Vak monster the fire from the mouth,
To intimid the uninitiated.
(Ancient Greek Mythology and Tazis)
There is a cardinal and with the scientific solution. It is necessary to carry out the revision of all sciences, to separate the actual science from non-science. It is necessary to divide all sciences into two and even three parts, actually science - it is sciences natural science, not - science (humanitarian and social sciences) - like science of subjective, personal. It is advisable to discuss this marriage issue. In this regard, scientific degrees and scientific ranks in humanitarian and social sciences (economics, philosophy, politics, pedagogy, religion), candidate, doctor of science, associate professor, professor, academician, membership card must be eliminated. Leave the issue of plagiarism and compilation in gon free, as in journalism. Compilation, the use of someone else's experience in the spiritual sphere is natural and legitimate. Vak in the humanities and social sciences to dissolve. Budget savings to put into scope of natural science. To consider publications in humanitarian and public issues not by science, but a literary journalistic occupation (K. Marks, Lenin, Plekhanov, who upgraded the system of the scientific hierarchy in Gon called themselves journalists) a personal opinion that they cannot prove. For example, E.Bestein, the first critic of the revolutions of K. Marx called the writings "Capital" - hypothesis, "which wishes to be science." For the topology of the true and false through the world, see my book and article \u003cTymoschuk N.D. Spatial theory of productivity on human interaction with the world of things and events (traveling dog philosophy against time philosophers) Collection 2013

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Salamander 07/31/2018 at 12:30

Dissakes - gastric science juice or pre-hectural revival (postgraduate remark from 1983): by graduate student of the Department of Economics UGGU I was three times on the defenders of other dissertations and noticed how happy dissertant gives a grand dinner for tradition), performances of the members of the Disement Committee (doctors Sciences in economics) are becoming more and more busy and more fun. Proposals and comments of doctors of sciences on clarification of the formulation of a worthless dissertation will be rareled like an abundance horns. In Russia, the protection of dissertations in the humanitarian and social sciences was made by a special sphere of parasitism in the field of degrees in Gon. The professors themselves are then getting used to that for free Professor Member of the Disement Committee will not open the mouth. For example, do not engage in education, do not correct the illiteracy of students who forget the school curriculum). Professor of the University lives according to the principle: she was singing and the day passed. Conclusion: A simple school teacher in a bit of man will give odds to any professor to Dr. University Sciences. In our country - hundreds of thousands of doctors of science on economics, philosophy, and there are no prophets. Correspond to someone else's foreign. See the HSE Institute -
They are worthless and stupid doctors of science, if you want to fill up your business - Invite the Doctor of Science on the economy. There is a fundamental and moreover, a scientific solution: you need to revise all sciences, to separate the actual science from non-sciences. All sciences are necessary to divide into two and even three parts, actually science - it is sciences natural science, not - sciences in connection with this, scientific degrees and scientific ranks in humanitarian and social sciences (economics, philosophy, politics, pedagogy, religion) should be liquidated. Having learned the truth in the Thaisi for me to doctors and candidates, only contempt remains at the bottom. You do not have science installed topology of the world. Loafers and tunaites of life, actors empty play, which manages the juice of the stomach.

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Garik 08/09/2018 at 12:49.

go tremble to the fool! Economy is crossing out of sciences))))

To answer
Garik 08/09/2018 at 12:50

go trees to d_au

To answer
    Salamander 03/09/2019 at 5:22

    Gary (I will call you so), catch the moment while the economy or philosophy is still science. Professor and associate professors are silent, since they have nothing to say. It is funny to me that the image of Professor of Humanitarian, the writer is associated with a weakness: can not screw the light bulb.

    To answer

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