How to arrange a scientific article

How to arrange a scientific article

In order for your scientific work to be published in a particular publication, you need to know how to make it correctly. Moreover, the requirements for different publishers are distingurable from each other. Only basic provisions coincide. Another author should know that articles are taken not only in printed form, but also in electronic. These rules are mandatory conditions.

So the writer needs to know how to work on a PC and be able to transfer data through the worldwide Internet. Otherwise, you will have to pay operator services.

If you decide to cope with all it yourself, you must use the editor to print work. Word, page size - A-4 (book orientation), fields in different ways: either 2 cm, or 2.5 cm (depending on which requirements for the publisher). Font type - " Times New Roman ", the size of the letters is 14, and the interval between them is 1.5. Square brackets are used to design links.

The article is issued in this order: the title of work, the announcement, tags (keywords), the introduction, the study material, experimental data, conclusions and at the end, which list of sources you used. It is recommended to apply in the article no more than 10 other sources.

Be sure to write scientific work is deployed. Explain in detail the essence of the scientific article so that it is clear what it is about. If you use direct quoting, then take phrases in quotes. Those words that are key can be separated by bold. Also in document Word is needed inserting circuits, charts, tables, photos, etc.

The name of the work is writing on the first sheet in the center, then information about the author and co-authors, and if necessary - FI. leader. Even the editorial is required more detailed. information About the writer, this sign must be fill.

Info about writer1

The article should not be less than four and more than 24 sheets, although these requirements have their different publishers. Some sites require a headline, "key" and lists of literature to write in two languages \u200b\u200b- Russian and English. The author all these conditions should take into account.

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