In the 21st century, the amount of information consumed by the person has increased so much that the methods that can be separated by unnecessary data are never relevant. Among them can be distinted, which gives a brief and capacious characteristic of the material proposed for familiarization. However, not only journalists and professional critics should own this art, the review and in scientific activities are applied. Consider how to write a review of the article.
The handset is always standard. Here is certainly mentioned the full name of the estimated material, the name, name and patronymic of the author held by him. Next, you must briefly describe the problem that the article under consideration is devoted. Sometimes it is indicated here which method was used for research. For example: "This article presents the results of research on the efficiency of using the natural resources of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The data was obtained by studying the geographical, environmental and natural resource potential characteristic of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. " To write a review of the article It is true, it is necessary to indicate the degree of relevance of the topic. Here you can apply the following phrases: "There is no doubt" the relevance of this topic "," The above article is without a doubt of timely ", etc. For example:" The submitted article is undoubtedly relevant, since the use of natural resources of the Krasnoyarsk Territory today is not effective and requires quality Improvements. "- in this paper, the author considers ...
- the author's point of view is successfully argued and supported by indisputable facts ...
- among the strengths of the work can be allocated ...
- quite interesting is the conclusion about ...
- this article has an important theoretical value, since ...
- the reviewed article is a serious research work on a rare and, at the same time, an important topic ...
- the article addresses an important moment about ...
- presented material is a consequence of a detailed analysis ...
- the relevance of this study is ...
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To write a review of the article correctly, a deep analysis of the work under study and an unbiased attitude towards the author is necessary. The assessment style should be business and friendly, because often it depends on the review, how warmly in the world of scientific literature will take a young scientist.