How to write an essay-reasoning

How to write an essay-reasoning

Write an essay-reasoning under the power of both a schoolboy and an adult. It is important to execute a number of rules and take into account all the nuances before and during its creation.

Composite elements and their volume in writing-reasoning

An essay in the format of reasoning displays the opinion and thoughts of the author according to the topic indicated. It is written in the format of addressing, persecuting or expanding the horizontal of the reader to a specific problem.

The author is important before working on writing text to concentrate and distinguish one important goal of the future essay, which will become the basis, the rod, the core of all work.

The composition necessarily present:

  • thesis or problem that occupies a maximum of a third of the total text,
  • arguments, arguments or comments are the most capacious part of the writing, can take 60-70%,
  • the output or result demonstrate the completion of the text and logically completes the text on a specific topic. It is usually equal to or a little more / less the thesis.

It is possible to use additionally joining the writings, which will briefly be briefed into the course of the problem under consideration. But this element is optional.


Step-by-step written writing instructions

  • Determine the main idea, problem, question, thesis of the writing of reasoning. If you have doubts about the wording, please contact your loved ones and / or friends, read them. They definitely determine whether the thesis needs to be improved or, on the contrary, it can be reduced.
  • Think and write down the arguments in favor of the designated problem. They should be based on real experience, from generally accepted and authoritative sources, possibly from the life of the author himself. Note that the number of arguments for the composition-reasoning of a small volume is optimally three.
  • Place the arguments in the degree of increase - from the weakest, inexpensive to a strong, undeniable. Comment and displays your personal opinion when writing them. Use ligament words for a soft transition between arguments or write each of them from a new paragraph. In the first case, those are relevant - first, secondly, finally, let's assume that, due to the fact that, thus, since.
  • Complete your writing-reasoning with the conclusion. More often, it is similar to the thesis, but it sounds stronger thanks to the special words and voiced above the arguments. These are the first to be such - so, that is why, therefore, therefore, it means.
  • The conclusion may contain a council calling for action, recommendations.


We write the main part of the writing

The weakest on force of persuasiveness is the arguments from the author's experience, his personal observations. Stronger and more impressive are statistical data, various digital research figures, topical events. Indeminible arguments in the composition-reasoning will be historical facts, encyclopedic information, classical works of art of all directions.

When you give one or another, first say your thesis again and add a question to it "Why?".

Think out the thesis, write it down and appreciate how correct it is as an answer. If he satisfies you in its wording, boldly insert it into an essay.


We reviewed the highlights and steps of writing an essay-reasoning. Use on health and remember, each paragraph should be started with a red row!

Comments leave a comment
Ivan. 03/29/2017 at 8:16.

thank! Very helped especially at the end of the cool comment!

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