How to learn to write without errors

How to learn to write without errors

The ability to beautifully and competently not only write, but also to say, will help anyone correctly set out his thoughts on all the language. Whether it is Russian or any foreign. Even if you make mistakes when writing - not trouble! There are several rules and techniques that help solve this problem.

Adjust yourself to the right way. Put the goal before you - write without errors.

Start with a simple. Read. Many, with any suitable case, view your favorite books. Dilute modern novels by classic works. In the process of reading, a person at the subconscious level perceives spelling words, alignment of points, commas and colors. The literary language is a fundamental written language.

Train hearing memory. Read out loud fairy tales to children, children ask to do it for you. Try to syllables as written in the book. Pause pauses with punctuation signs.

The simplest exercise is the rewriting of texts. You can know all the rules of grammar, but do not be able to apply them in practice. Rewrite for the beginning of small volumes: from 3-5 sheets per day to 10 or more. More effect you reach when you work with dictates. Develop a shallow man's hand.

Read books? Remember them! Speak verse - learn it, write. Check yourself in spelling. Even at school, we were forced to teach poems and compose stories, it was not for nothing.

Make for yourself 1-2 hours, a couple of days in the week, training, increase your spelling. Old school textbook will help this. Repeat basic rules for yourself. Remember what direct and indirect speech, which punctuation marks are used when the colon, and when the dash.

Critic yourself and let's criticize others. Walk in pairs. The effect of exploring grammar will be higher if you will attract one more person to learning. Mutual control and discussion of errors will help deeper to study the causes of errors.

Feel free to resort to the help of a dictionary. The spelling dictionary is not created for beauty, but for benefit. So use on health! Not sure about writing a word or in general in existence - he is to help you.

Change your environment. You set a goal to learn to write without errors. Look at your surroundings, to communicate inside. Poor influence, low literacy, predominance of slang and jargon expressions. Change the circle of communication. Meet new, educated people with progressive views. People seeking self-improvement, be improving with them.

Get a diary! If you learn, then you need to receive estimates. After each exercise, put yourself an assessment. On the diary fields, write down the complex words, where most of all the mistakes are. Analyze them and focus on learning the necessary rules.

It has long been proven that regular sports, spelling, music is produced by music at the subconscious level, the accuracy of execution, the correct writing of words, exercises, games on the instrument. To learn to write without mistakes, you need to constantly train visual, auditory, muscle memory.

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