Rules for the transfer of words

Rules for the transfer of words

Despite the century of computer technology, we still face the need to write something. Therefore, literacy does not lose its relevance, and everyone should remember the basics of spelling - from a housewife to the highest official. In particular, this concerns and transfer words. It is about how to carry words correctly, we will recall you.

Let's start with the database of spelling, where the principle of the syllable is based on the correct transfer of words, that is, in most cases, words should be transferred in the syllables. For example: "Bor", "Go-Rod", "Per-Nose". You can not tolerate the word, leaving one letter on the string. The transfer of the word in this version will be incorrect - "I-Bina". Properly transfer the following method - "Jaw". Similarly, interpreted incorrect transfer of one letter to the next line, for example, "Seri-I". In this case, the transfer should look like this: "CE-Riya". Also, it is also impossible to carry words consisting of one syllable or doubled, where one of the syllables acts a vowel letter, that is, words such as "Cat", "Ball", "House", "Autumn", "Name" are not transferred.

If in the Word there are two identical consonant letters located between vowels, such words are transferred as follows: "MAS-CA", "tone-on", "Ran-Nii". The exception is the words where this pair of the same consonants are part of (initial) root, for example, the word "harbor" is correctly transferred to "quietly". There are restrictions on transferring and for such letters as "b", "ъ", "y", "s". So, the letters "b", "Kommersant" during transfer remain next to the previous consonant, that is, not tolerated. For example: "Rail-Sy", "Kol-Centa", "Bull-He", "Monkey-Yana". The letter "th" is also not detached from standing in front of her vowel - "Tai-on", "Crei-Ser". If you need to transfer the word where there is a letter "s" and it is standing after the console, say, "find it", it is necessary to carry it in this way - "times-scab".

In the event that the word you intend to transfer contains in its composition a confluence of consonants, you can carry them at your discretion, that is, the transfer of the word "spring" will be correct and in such a variant - "ve-sleep", and in this - " Spring". At the same time, words with a combination of consonants that do not make up the syllable (that is, do not contain a vowel letter), it is impossible to transfer. For example, the words "fear", "Center", "trunk".


You can not tolerate the word, leaving part of the root (initial) if it is not part of the syllable. For example, the words "Semigramum" and "send" are transferred so - "seven grams" and "at-sly", respectively. Also considered incorrect transfer of words, where after the prefixes with a consonant letter also consonants. Thus, the words "approach" and "tie" to properly transferred as follows - "under-walk" and "under-knit".

There are rules for transferring words that take into account the morphem structure. So, if you need to transfer a complex or comprehensive word, it is desirable to separate it at the junction of significant parts. For example, words such as "automotive", "bathroom" and "state property" are transferred as follows - "Auto-trailer", "San Node" and "State Property", respectively. In this case, the abbreviation (DOSAAF, NPP, UNESCO), abbreviated designations of measures (2 kg, 3 m), conventional abbreviations (i.e., number, p / s) and connected with the numbers of completion (2nd, 10- y) are not transferred.

It is also necessary to remember that the punctuation signs are not transferred to another line, including opening brackets or quotes. The exception is such a sign of punctuation as a dash, but only if it is facing the second part of the interrupted direct speech and at the same time after the point either colon.

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