How to teach a child to read

How to teach a child to read

Every parent sees a genius in his child. Therefore, the ability to read at an early age is the case of the parent principle. But how to train a little firm so as not to beat off the hunt for knowledge for life and only exaggerate the parental pride for the success of the young reader.

In order not to repel the hunt for the baby to study and memorize letters, folding them into syllables and words, you need to determine the readiness of the child to gain knowledge. The famous Swiss psychologist Jean Piir allocated 3 important stages in the psychological development of each child:

  • Touch-motor (up to 2 years) - the formation of physical sensations of the baby;
  • Shaped (from 2 to 7 years) - the formation of self-assessment, the development of speech using role-playing (symbolic) games;
  • Logical (from 7 to 13 years) - Attempts by matching facts, building independent logical conclusions.

Reading is the same logical operation, the development of which is impossible without passing the stage of games.

Alphabet. This method combined a whole group of auxiliary material to study letters at home: interactive alphabet, cubes with pictures to a certain letter, etc. According to this method, it is good to memorize letters, but not read. If the baby remembered that and is an orange, m is ice cream, the consecutive mix of ice cream with oranges will not help the child to read the word mom. Study with the baby names of letters - ka, en, and, ge, and - will not work out in his little head into the word "book."

Buvari. Traditional learning method that our grandmothers still remember. The diversity of pictures, heroes, the quality of binding of the bookwear does not change the unified principle of the bookwear - teaching a child to an independent connection of individual sounds into syllables, and syllables in words. There is a parallel study of the letters of the alphabet and adding them to the syllables: Ma-AM, MN-NM. Independent successful child skills in "folding" letters in different combination - and there is a reading process. Most parents and teachers who experimented with different techniques return to the principle of the score. A logical connection of letters into the syllable, and not learning ready-made, well suited for the right-handers who have a left hemisphere that is responsible for the logic.

Method of whole words. This method came up with American Neurosurgeon Gleb Danan. It is based on that from two months and up to three years to satisfy the child with knowledge. The founder of the method considers it precisely this age segment with the most fertile for the disclosure of all hidden abilities and the formation of skills and skills. The educational method of the method is based on the study of various cards with separate words and entire proposals. The child looks at the card, mom voices written on it. The method is good because the dodactic material can be made at home, while taking into account the special size of letters, cards and the amount of information on one card. However, the study of the Russian language is hampered due to the huge number of decons and endings of one word. The method of widespread words is great for learning English.

Cubes Zaitsev. Methods of St. Petersburg teacher N.A. Zaitseva is to accommodate all possible syllables in the cubes and in the tables. A set of didactic material can be bought, but it will still have to refine (dellect, fill in different fillers), and you can do it yourself, although you spend time. The positive side of this method is the memorization of a child in a combination of a whole warehouse, a combination of letters. The Zaitsev method is especially suitable for the left-hander, which faster perceive the word or warehouse. By the cons of the method, the entire warehouses of the whole, the child often swallows endings or imagines them itself, is lost in the analysis of the composition of the spelled word (after all, the word does not always consist of entire syllables to which the baby is used).

If parents decided to teach a child at an early age, then they should try to give this dream all their free time. But at the same time adults should not forget that besides the study of letters and syllables, the baby must learn to communicate in society. A test that allows you to determine the readiness of the child to learning reading, you can go on it website.

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Viola 08/11/2018 at 7:55.

We have problems with learning were due to bad memory and the attention of the child ... Shifts in reading went))

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