For a deep study of the rules of the road, you will need at least a month. Do not trust advertising that promises a magical express course lasting a week or two. Tune in advance to a large amount of information and put a clear goal to which you will go all the time spent in a driving school.
Do not miss theoretical classes. Their value is not a collective reading of a certain rideway, but in the analysis of the most difficult moments, as well as those situations that are often found on the road, but the traffic rules are described in Casual. When the teacher explains the material, do not hesitate to ask any questions on the topic, because you pay for a detailed explanation of the subtleties.
It is very important to think about the text you read or try to learn. The situation from each item of the rules imagine to the smallest detail so that the picture and complete understanding of the question is captured.
Connect all information perception centers. See pictures showing the right behavior on the road. Outline the main theses, and not from the original text, but by memory, later to check your own version with a quote. Repeat the learned material, preferably loud.
Use associations. Find something in common in complex wording and your own memories, emotions, preferences. The images associated with a ridiculous, exaggerated, disgusting are well remembered. Help memorization also short themed poemsSpecially selected for the most complex partitions of traffic rules.
Road signs need to be learned so well so that when moving you noticed their edge of the eye and instantly identified. To do this, pay attention to the signs found along the path of your usual routes, and each time I remember the name of the sign and comments to it.
When traveling in public transport, put yourself in the driver's seat. Explain mentally why he made one action, not the other. In addition, evaluate the situation in advance: now the driver will rearrange, we need to turn left; And here he will not stop, at least the passenger asks, because we are on the bridge.
At home, model all kinds of situations, especially those who have been learned until not very good. If you can not explain a certain point, draw a scheme and ask it a question in a driving school, because in theory there should be no "white spots".
When preparing for the exam, you must decide the tickets. First, so you will familiarize yourself with all sorts of wording issues, even the most deficiencies. And secondly, remember the correct answers to repeating tasks. It is advisable to shut up the tickets two to three times so that as a result, none of them caused bewilderment or doubt. Very convenient to decide tests onlineSince here you can check your knowledge for each section, it is enough to choose the appropriate "themes" mode.
In addition to visiting classes, dedicate the time to an independent study of the rules. Take up for at least two hours daily. The most qualitative information is remembered in the morning hours, from 9 to 12.
In the period of training in a driving school, do not be lazy, apply maximum effort in order to learn traffic rules. Do not hope for luck with an insufficient level of knowledge, because such complex rules you learn for yourself, your safety. And if you know that at this time, due to employment, you will not be able to prepare well for the exam, postpone the receipt of driver's license to a more successful moment.