It is difficult to overestimate the importance of competent speech. People with a well-set speech and a large vocabulary seek great success in any sphere of life. If a person does not know how to express his thoughts and speaks illiterately, most people will not perceive him seriously. In addition, the bad speech can be very annoying. The following tips will help you learn to speak correctly.
Write down your conversation on the voice recorder. Your voice to record may seem to you somewhat strange, but do not worry - this is happening for most people. Pay attention to words-parasites, worsted words, wrong accents, speech errors, fuzzy diction, etc. Eradicate the words like "as if", "E", "Well," "this is the most", etc. Write all Errors that you allowed. So you will be much easier to fight them. Youth and professional slang are permissible only in their circles - it should be appropriate. If you are difficult to normally express your thoughts or express an opinion about something, start reading a lot. You can replenish your vocabulary, learn how to build phrases and improve the spelling. Select time reading daily. On certain days, read out loud to learn to speak clearly. Select the books that you will bring pleasure and development. Be sure to include in the list of books to read the classic literature - it uses pure Russian. After reading books to briefly, set out the essence of your friends or relatives. A competent and living story will cause emotions and questions regarding the work.Try to develop comprehensively and make more new acquaintances. Lay the competent and educated people. If you communicate as much as possible with people on various topics, you can become more confident and learn to speak beautifully.