How to master hypnosis

How to master hypnosis

Hypnosis, like a sleep, introduces a person to a certain unconscious state - deep trans. At the same time, the hypnotist has an impact on the consciousness of a person who is under hypnosis. To learn hypnosis, you do not need to be a wizard. It is necessary to possess such qualities as a confident impressive voice, a non-moving look.

In the process of exposure, consciousness narrows and fully focuses on the suggestion. At the same time, the hypnotist cannot think about failure, but only about the success of the case. When hypnosis, it is necessary to look at the point between the eyes of a non-moving look. To achieve a mighty look, make the next exercise daily. Stand in front of the mirror and look at the carriage as long as possible, not blinking. Gradually, you can watch without blinking, at a person at a minute, then five minutes, then ten. The hypnotist must have the following qualities: honesty, openness, confidence, politeness, persuasiveness, straight.

A person is introduced into a hypnotic state due to temperate stimuli, which are relaxingly conscious. Monotonous sounds will be promoted in hypnosis - wind noise, rain knock, train wheels, sharpened voice; Looking at one point - flame candles, metal coin, clock. To master hypnosis, it is necessary to constantly train, perform various exercises to the concentration, voice control.

The person who is in the trance receives the incoming information is not filtered, he trusts and performs the actions that will indicate it. To master the hypnosis technique, it is necessary to find a person who can be practiced. With a hypnotic conversation, the voice should sound confidentially, look directly on the interlocutor, establishing full emotional contact.

What is needed to study:

  • Workshops;
  • Perseverance;
  • Slinding theory;
  • Confidence;
  • Refusal of bad habits, a healthy lifestyle.

To manage other people, you should learn to manage yourself, with your emotions and desires, as well as the power of will. Naturally, you need a refusal to excessive alcoholic beverages, smoking, strong doping type of coffee and other exciting or depressing the nervous system of funds. This will help to focus all your attention in hypnosis classes that should be held regularly on schedule.

Exercises with voice will help to develop a smooth and soft voice that sounds convincing. Intonation has a huge impact on the subconscious of a person, so she should pay special attention. From speech, exclude the following words - probably may probably try, it turns out, and if so. Speech must be impressive and clear. When working with the subconscious of a person, it is very important to record your speech, and then listen to for errors.

If you believe in your own forces, master the hypnosis technique will be easy. The main thing is to practice step by step, systematically. Do not use hypnosis in order to entertain and harm, do not experiment on relatives and loved ones - this can lead to a deterioration of relationships.

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