How to attract money

How to attract money

For each money they have their value. For some of them personify the power, for others freedom, for the third - simple tranquility and the dimension. Some lacks for a month of the ten-digit amount in euros, another is enough to feel happy and minimal wages. And all because people relate to them in different ways. But, no matter how cool, they simply need. Often people are perplexed why, with good earnings, money is as if they are drowning from them. The reason lies in the wrong attitude towards money, the underestimation of their energy. Change it, the situation with the presence of money will change. Learn to appreciate them, naturally, without making it from this cult.

Believe me, money is able to feel right as we treat them. Will there be a voluntary pet live in the house where he hate, despise or ignore, forget to feed? Of course, no, with the first case it will run away. Just with money. Love them, start giving respect and care, they will repay you with a storm. Remember that our words and thoughts are material. Speak them about your love, that you are missing that they missed them. Do not pronounce expressions: "Not in money happiness", "it is possible to get rich only by staring", "dirty money." Such negative arguments will turn away from you the cash flow. Touch them, smooth, straighten, count, just do not let yourself in your hands. Never blow them, do not even throw a small coin, do not overtake carelessly on your pockets. Talked - glue, stained - wash. Do not bandage them with rubber band, it is better not to use the clamp. You do not like pain, so do not hurt them. No one wants to return to such masters, including money.

Love for money

You can resort to the visualization method. Imagine mentally everything that is so passionately, turn on the fantasy. You should see it in the present time. That is, do not think how in ten years you will rest at the cherished resort, imagine yourself with resting on it now. In no case imagine potential obstacles, you will show them. Do so daily, better before bedtime. Yoga people know perfectly well as energy for us. But with it directly connected with the energy of money. Strong stretches towards strong. If you have a small energy potential, millions are unlikely to be poured for you. Perhaps you are clogged with chakras and need to be cleaned. Contact a specialist.


Like you, your money must have your home and favorite places. The main home for them is traditionally your wallet. It should be spacious and beautiful. The bills in it laid carefully, by their dignity, and keep separately from the coins. Their "face" addressed to you. In the new "house for money", put a penny and keep it. Never leave it empty. Let the penny, but should stay. As a magnet for cash flow, it is recommended to keep in a wallet and green bill of major dignity. There is such a belief: if for this purpose you will store the currency of a certain country, then in it you will live in the future. Teach yourself not to give money to anyone in the deployed form, so you let go of their energy. It is better to fold them, but stretch in other people's hands with a folded end. For postponed money, prepare a separate house in the form of a second wallet or an unusual chest.


Loving places for money in the house are kitchen, corridor and pantry. Put them in the original jar, which put on the refrigerator, and inside the hide of the coin or wrapped bills - it will help the products in your home are translated. For the same they are put in the storage room, next to the billets for the winter. Shut up a few coins (eagle up) under the rug near the entrance door. Make some more caches in the apartment, with the exception of the dressing room and the bedroom, otherwise your wealth will "wash off" and sleep. At the same time, tell me: "Drum to the shores, and money towards money." Be sure to place the piggy bank in the house and do not be lazy to fill it daily, albeit minor sums.

Piggy bank1

Try not to take deferred money, and if you do not do without it, then become a banker, take a loan for interest. That is, return through the last time a large amount, otherwise you will save you longer than planned initially. There are some more beliefs who are desirable to follow not to stay without money. For example:

  • if coins scattered - select only with your right hand, and one of them is specifically left;
  • on the first day of paying wages, try not to spend no ruble from it;
  • do not take surrender from the hands of the cashier or the seller, it is better to take from a special plate;
  • try not to assign my money found, they will not bring good luck;
  • do not take any amounts on Tuesdays;
  • crumbs from the table do not shake hands;
  • forget about whistle in the house;
  • do not clothe salt and bread.


In no case do not dwell on wealth, it is fraught with trouble. Let cash and not enough, rejoice at the amount that is now. And the money will definitely come to such a person.


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