How to draw to itself the money

How to draw to itself the money

Many people familiar with the situation when someone is interrupted by a penny a penny, but to someone money if do flow. And in most cases, both categories of people do not understand each other. The whole point of monetary energy that should be directed in the right direction. Some people turn out to control the money unknowingly energy, others studying this purpose.

Revise your thinking. If you think that money can be made only hard labor, so be it. Poor people believe money is a bad thing, so they do not want to linger in their hands. At the subtle level, money is energy-structure, so feel fine attitude. Do not envy other people's wealth, better people wish prosperity, then it will not hesitate to enter in your life.

Create a good environment for the money that they were pleased to be with you. Choose a comfortable wallet that you like. It should not be an old and shabby. As for colors, there is no rigorous framework, but it is preferable to choose colors that symbolize wealth - black, white, red, green, and metallic gold. Gently fold the bills and keep the fines separated from them. You can buy special charms, but in this case, the manufacturer must know and fully trust him, because only a professional can properly charge the talisman.

Respect yourself and try not to save myself. Choose the highest quality clothing, shoes and cosmetics. By doing so, you will not buy too many things, but will definitely look decent. Love yourself, and then you fall in love with money.

To attract money and prosperity into your life, think about exactly what you want. Poor people focus too much on the failures and debt, so do not even try to imagine what the situation and life can be radically changed. They send into the universe of energy failure, which is why the failure of returning to them again and again - there is a certain cycle. You must know exactly what it is you want to do in life, where to live, how to dress, what kind of things you would like to have time to make and so on. D. Make a list of their goals, no matter how silly it may seem to you. The change of thinking - a very important step to attracting money.

Violetkaipa how to visualize the dream

Start learning financial literacy. Learn the theory of money and investment principles. You need to know where best to invest their savings, in the long term to get an even greater return. Thus, you will be able to find a deal (if not already done so), which will bring joy and material well-being. Do not be lazy and idle. Work and develop in the direction that you have chosen to raise money. Only in this case the universe will give you a chance to achieve financial well-being.

Visualize your goal. This is a very powerful tool to attract money into your life, that many people underestimate. Presenting yourself successful you are sending to the world of the appropriate energy. Place yourself in a comfortable chair and close your eyes. Then present a clear picture of the desired lifestyle. Try to feel the most alive, feel every detail of the image. The visualization is very important is the feeling that you are sending to the world.

Begin to engage in charity. Set aside 10% of their salary and to give money to those who see fit. Thus, you send a signal to the universe that you have something to share with others, and you do not need the money too badly. This approach represents the well-being, so it is to the well-being of you and in the end will come. During the transfer of donations it is very important to feel good, that is. E. You should not experience the bitterness of parting with money. Otherwise, it will return to you back, because it is the energy of the bitterness you've sent out into the universe.

Do not worry if at first you will not receive anything. Thinking very hard to rebuild, but it's worth it. Many successful people have claimed that at the initial stage of the universe is often satisfied with a kind of "test" if you do not drop your hands after the failure occurred. You must be worthy of your goal, and then be sure to get the desired result.

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