How to protect yourself from the evil

How to protect yourself from the evil

The evil eye, damage - a targeted negative impact in order to harm you or your loved ones. Such an impact destroys part of your protective biofield, leaving "holes" in it, through which energy is drunk. It is impossible to remove such a negative independently, you will have to seek help from specialists. If we are talking about a simple "evil eye" - you looked at you "osos", and you felt discomfort, then protect your biofield from a random negative one.

The negative mental attack arises when the unkind look at someone in your side, for example, in transport, in the mouth of a quarrel in service or in everyday life, in the shopping in the store, when it sounds "so that you!". Some people are capable of such a well-known phenomenon as "self-heading." At the same time, poor mental state, nervous disorders, depression arise because of their own bad thoughts. A long continued such emotional state contributes to the loss of a large number of internal energy. The evil eye, like all diseases, is easier to prevent than to treat.

During the evil eye, black magic does not apply, as when damaging. He is called by people who are called "glaze". Since ancient times, it was born in Russia to consider such people with characteristic signs: dark brilliant eyes, squint and at the same time frauded eyebrows. In other countries (Mediterranean) - these features can be blue eyes. Therefore, blue beads are often used in champs, in shape resembling human eye. But not always the owners of "bad" eyes have these signs. The evil disease causes people evil, angry, suffering from "black" envy to the well-being of others. Try to avoid their society if possible. If communication is inevitable, try not to look into your eyes, especially if you feel not very good.

You can protect yourself from negative ways to protect your energy biofield, while in a crowded public place where the mass of negative emotions accumulates, such as public transport. "Close", create a kind of screen for your biofield, for this try to close and cross legs and arms. If the allotted look and the crossed posture at the moment are inappropriate, then connect the fingers of the hands - large and index, close the biofield contour.

With the help of a simple reception of "culmination", close yourself from the evil eye: Imagine that you are protected from all people with the help of a mirror dome, the shell of its mirror face is turned out. In this way, you protect yourself and reflect all negative impacts, they return back to their messenger.

Prayer to his guardian angel is very effective protection. To remove the evil eye, read the conspiracy that protects against the "bad eye", facing Mikhail Archangel: "Mikhail Arkhangel, Save and hindle from the Black Eyes, from a gray eye, from a kargo eye, from the eye of blue and white, from a joyful eye, from a dumb eye, Save and hindle, Mikhail Arkhangel.

Always use the most famous and popular way in the people - attach the English pin to any top dress from the inside and always wear it. The pin should be directed by the edge down. Before this pin, let the day behind the icon or three days in the eastern corner of the room. The jugg of the negative magazine, closes your biofield with its elliptical form.

The next folk remedy is known to many: we draw on your left wrist on three knots woolen thread of red. She will protect against the evil eye, block the entrance to the negative. You can reflect the negative energy using a small round mirror. Put it in your pocket with a mirror side out.

Use for strong protection of charms, amulets, mascots. If you charge the subject, then its protective forces will increase multiple times. If there is such a charm, then an important condition: never mention him, talking with outsiders, under any circumstances do not give it to anyone in hand.

After communicating with unpleasant, envious people, you can feel some kind of discomfort and even malaise, weakness. With such a conversation, get the left hand behind your back or put in your pocket and make a "fig" or cross the middle and index fingers. Take a rule - Returning, at home, take a warm shower, and clean water will wash the accumulated energy "dirt". If it does not help, refer to psychic for professional help.

After leaving guests, especially not very pleasant, do not be lazy to wash the floor. Add 200 grams of a large salt into water on 5 liters of water, then it would be nice to pour it into the ground. Clean the apartment from bad energy helps candles. Before the arrival of a person with severe energy litighed them in the room. It is beautiful, and they burn the negative. It would be nice in the house to have charms: above the door of the horseshoe, the dried stem of the Hypericum.

Remember that the evil eye is especially "clinging" to people weak with an unstable psyche. Develop spiritually, carry positive energy. Bright and warm feelings aimed at the surrounding space will attract the light and good to you. You should not explain all the problems with a slogony, they must be sought and solved in themselves.

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