If it is not possible to achieve the location of your beloved girl with courtship, to achieve your goal, some men resort to the ceremony of love. How to independently wander the object of your love and which nuances should be taken into account, read further.
Women's physiology imposes its imprint and energy: during the menstrual cycle there is self-purification of the girl's biofield, so the exaggeration conducted in such a period may be invalid. In this regard, conduct a spell of women is desirable three times within one month. Otherwise, the spell of female and male does not differ.
Note that if you bring a girl, and after you understand what you did it in vain and you don't want to go further in life together, the spell will definitely need to take off! Otherwise, the fate of the former beloved will be irretrievably crippled.
From the point of view of astrology, all magical rites associated in love relationships are better carried out with a growing moon and preferably on Friday, when Venus is actively influenced.
If you are employees or good acquaintances, there is an option to drink lover with conspired water at work or in a cafe. On the eve of fill the glass glass with clean water from 23:00 to 24:00. Keep a glass in your left hand, and spend on its edge 7 circles, repeating on each name of the chosen one. Then put this glass on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls on it. The next day you can dilute this water any drink and treat the girl.
Give a living Aluu Rose as a gift, growing in a pot, which before watering during the week conspired water. Prepare such water just: pour it into a glass, burn the church candle. Cutting a candle around a glass with water, say three times a plot, and then crossbind.
Answar can be made to surround gifts: Ring, bracelet, chain, ring-shaped earrings. For the rite you will need a dark piece of fabric, 2 red candles, 2 candlesticks, 3 red roses and essential rose oil. On the candlelight needle, scratch "(girl's name) passionately loves (the name of the man)", rose petals to cut and fold the slide on the table, with a small amount of oil to lubricate a gift and candles (from niza to the fittel). Prepared candles to put on the right and to the left of the pink petals, and the decoration to entrust this slide. Palms make circular movements clockwise above the gift and senten your traffic point. Then it is necessary to wait until the candles are ruined to the end, and wrap a gift into the cooked fabric in which it must be until the moment of delivery.
Methods of love spell a lot, but perhaps the most effective are attention, courtship and sincere concern for the beloved. Open it as much as possible if you think that she is worth it, and then the girl can truly appreciate it, and perhaps will answer you with reciprocity.