How to shock loved one

How to shock loved one

Nature in a woman laid the role of the custodian of the family hearth. Perhaps so she sees a potential husband and father of his children in his beloved. What to do, if the partner "Cold" to you or left to another, how to shock?

If you are really dear to this person, and you want to spend the rest of life with him with all its imperfections and disadvantages, use white magic methods. After all, the maximum side effects in this case - drowsiness and weakness will pass in a couple of days. What you can not say about the consequences of the love spell of black magic. Yes, they say, its methods are stronger and effective, but the likelihood of what you cripple and the fate of your beloved, and your irretrievably.

Deciding on a spell, also keep in mind that burning your husband who went to another, much more difficult. This is due to the fact that the rival might lead it from the family with his love spell, it may be extremely difficult to destroy its strength.

The spell is the stronger than hot your love and passion for a man , therefore If you pursue the goal to bewitch yourself a rich sponsor without any feelings on your part, there will be a little sense from it.

One of the popular love spellors - by photography. In the photo, your favorite must be alone, without outsiders. Put the picture to the ground, put your left barefoot on it and say a plot.

In Russia, ancient times used to return a beloved silver ring and wine. Wrap your ring in a clean, white cloth, and then jump into the ground. During the ritual, constantly think about the beloved. When the ring will be buried in the ground, pour this place a little wine and whisper the words of the conspiracy. Now leave this place and do not return here a month. After a period of time, dig a conspiracy ring, we carry it constantly and as often as possible beside your beloved.

If you previously lived with the beloved together, try the next spell. Open the window, stand around it, close your eyes and mentally draw a picture, as it usually returns home: opens the door, welcomes, strips, comes to you, hugs and kisses. This is not a splash, it is only the mood of your energy, your thoughts for the exercise of desire. Now open your eyes and whisper prayer. This ritual is advisable to repeat repeatedly before the husband's return.

For the next lifestitude, you will need a photo of your beloved and three church candles. Put in front of yourself a photo and, without having a look from your favorite eyes, glowing a pigtail from the candle. At the same time, repeat the text of the conspiracy three times. Now fasten the braid from the candle in the candlestick, put in front of the photo and burn it with a match (not a lighter!). The time of the ritual is to choose so that the remnants of the candles are melted at sunrise. Move the wax from the burnt candles to direct sunlight and say: "As a candle in one, and the Slave of God (his name) with the slave of God (your name) was one whole." Wax wrap in a clean cloth and hide into a long corner. The spell is valid until this bundle is stored in your home.

If you still live with your loved ones, but you know exactly what he looks at others, or confident that it changes, take advantage of the factory infusion from salt, wine and holy water. The ritual is accomplished on the growing moon after midnight. Pour in the glass of holy water and wine, add a pinch of salt. Stirring the infusion clockwise, whisper the words of the conspiracy. "Protositive Potion" Put in a bottle and hide in a dark place to the nearest new moon. After that for 9 days, add three drops of infusion in food or drink your favorite.

The sentences presented in the article will necessarily help someone who acts in good, with pure thoughts and with thirst for sincere love. Remember, white magic can bring happiness, black - disappointment.

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