How to remove a love spell

How to remove a love spell

Magic has long been used by some people for their personal goals. Most often it is applied in love affairs. Although it is one of the most dangerous classes, but unfortunately, lovers are not thinking about further consequences and make love spells. However, we are not talking about, further we learn how to correct the situation and remove the spell.

Symptoms of Privota

Any particular on which the spell was carried out, according to anyone will feel it. After all, a sudden passion for who committed this magic ritual will be unnatural and absolutely not like a clean, bright, real sense of love.

  • The most important symptom of the love spell is unwillingness to live without being stuck. All streams, work, even the family is moving into the background. Thoughts are tested only near the object of the rehabilitation.
  • A person does not know what is creating. He pulls it to the supposedly beloved. After a sexual relationship with the glowing, he feels the emptiness, the feeling of guilt, if he has (her) there is a second half.
  • There is a complete degradation of the person, the character changes, the victim of the love spell is not lucky, energetics goes from it. Frections of manifestation of aggression, tear, changeable mood, apathy.
  • Walking is indifferent to everything, everyone. If you do not make a latch, irreparable - suicide may occur.

How to remove the spell

First of all, your desire and willpower will be needed to relieve the love spell. If you have no strength to cope with this curb, then ask you a close person to help you. Let him be cleaned.

Rite with salt

It is considered a very strong opposition of the spell. To do this, you need to cook three large spoons of the usual salt, a small piece of linen, new fabric (white color), one white necessarily a new plate, three church candles.

Make a rite in the evening after the seventeenth moon day. Light a candle, pour salt into a spoon and, reading a prayer, warm salt over the candle. Prayer words:

Lord Almighty! Save, help. Sol Bela, Chista - bitterness, longing the servant of God (the victim's name) collected. Thoughts black, unclean, yes, the passions are vicious, the sprinkles are evil, the hunters are strangers, with a snack eaten, with a chiston of water drinking, taken with a linen - all in Belya Salta went, to the unclean drawing! My word is hard! Key, Castle, Amen!

After these words, run away salt on the plate, cover a piece of matter, put a photo of the awesome photo. Make rites will need two more times. After that, throw away the salt as far as possible from the house, and burn the fabric with a plate in the oven either bother.

Bible reading

Excellent frees from all the witchcraft char - reading the Bible. A person who wants to clean his aura must believe in God, attend the church. Be sure to comply with the post within forty days, and in your free time read the Bible with candles. Do not close the book for the night, it must be open all the time. A faithful sign that you get rid of the love spell is the desire to relax (sleep) and a pleasant calm crackling of the candle. Thus, you can not only defeat the spell, but to send your strength into a positive channel. Even such a story will protect you from the evil challenges, other negative impacts from the outside.

It is important to know what is required to limit communication with the stormy person, even if it is not easy for you. Change the mobile number, take your vacation, go beyond the city.

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