How to remove the evil eye

How to remove the evil eye

We often become a source of evil eye and his victim. After all, the evil eye can occur both randomly and purposefully as a result of envy, resentment or malice, taped on another person.

1) how to determine if there is a evil eye

There are certain signs for which it is possible to determine whether the negative energy is present on a person laid in a cruise:

  • First of all, consider carefully your housing. If you find feathers, land or trifle - be afraid, your life is threatened with a serious danger.
  • If a woman wants to deprive the female strength or lead a husband - she feels poor health in the field of belly Niza and reveals the appearance of pigment spots.
  • A sign of the approaching poverty or disease is the suspicious death of animals in the house, illness and fading of colors.
  • If a serious evil eye was made on a person - a person cares, medications do not help, doctors cannot determine the diagnosis.
  • The most important sign of the evil eye is when the believer becomes bad in the church, and the church candle flows in black wax.

Define availability on the you schalza you you can thanks to ordinary pins – nearby her on the pouring side clothes front output from housing sO in words: “God, save me v road from evil people and not good thoughts! Amen!” For togo  to conspiracy affected ushko pins must be on direction to nogam. When you come home look  availability pinsif The pin is lost, it means on the you Present evil eye.

How to remove the evil eye with wax and prayer

This method allows diagnosing and removing the negative program not only with itself, but also from another person. You will need - photography, church candle and transparent vessel with water. Water is an excellent conductor of negative energy.

  • Put the tank with water to the photo, set fire to the candle.
  • Tilt the candle over the tank so that the wax will fall into the water, at this time read any prayer that you know for about 3 minutes.
  • Thereafter extinguish the candle dipping it into the same water.
  • Next, remove the solidified wax and carefully consider the resulting figure if you've seen the terrible outlines how to Break the wax into small pieces as soon as possible.
  • Dispose of broken pieces of wax in different ways - one piece wash off the toilet, another part of the burn in the fire, the third piece of bury.
  • Following the ritual of water pour into the box, and discard or bury candle away from home.

How to remove the evil eye black ribbon

The rite is performed only on the waning moon. For the ritual, we need - a black satin ribbon, church candle, plain black candle, a black pen, paper and a knife with a wooden handle. Church candle is cleansing, and the black defense.

  • On a sheet of paper, write your name and draw a circle.
  • Light the candle and place the candle on a piece of paper.
  • First, work with church candles - look at the flame and think about their hardships and troubles, releasing negative thoughts mentally.
  • Next, write a knife on a black candle burning your name, to strengthen the ceremony.
  • Cut with a knife a black ribbon on the length of your elbow from the wrist, and burn it on the candle to ashes. try speaking a word during combustion: "The bad burn, good leave."
  • At the end of the ritual sheet on which is written your name, burn. The remaining ash from the tape and collect the paper and let the wind.

4) How take off evil eye matches

rite better conduct in the evening, To enhance the spiritual protection dress your wearable cross on the breast. For conduct ritual take transparent capacity, dial v hERE a clean water. AND stock up matchbox matches.

  • Perezhgite 10 matches, sparking their on priority friend about friend sO in words: “N. tenth, n. ninth, n. eighth and t.P".
  • See carefully per behavior matches  v water tanks. If although would one from all matches gone on the bottom and adopted upright position, then said quickly plot 3 times: “Good on porog- evil out from home forever!”.
  • After these words wet fingers v sign of the cross in water and swipe imi v form cross on the breast, Forehead, cheeks, and wrists.
  • For end ritual make three pharynx from glass, rest vyplesnite for the threshold of the house.

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