How to remove damage at home

How to remove damage at home

In our turmoil life, we do not pay attention to small trouble. In the morning I ran the coffee on the stove, was late for work, spent due to anything with colleagues, think, who does not happen to? But when the attack rolls over one after another, even a skeptic begins to think about whether it is not damaged to him? In this situation, the most important thing is to find out whether it is damaged, and only then to be determined with the way to remove it.

Signs of damage

Damage - conscious harm of one person to another, carried out with the help of witchcraft. Analyze the situation: you have launched life plans, they were fired from work, nothing to pay for credit, they poured the neighbors and they threaten the court? Add to this nightmares, appearance in the apartment mice, depression, decay of forces, fear of a closed space. If these signs appeared with you suddenly and in aggregate, they may be a consequence of a bad eye.

Make sure whether you are damaged, you can at home using old ways.

  • Light the usual candle holding it in front of them. Candle cracks, wax floats, dripping into hands with dark spots - damage you.
  • Fresh chicken egg take the right hand, and left - cover it. Sograte the egg in the palms, put it on the night under the bed. In the morning, get and scatter over the sink. If the contents of the egg has an unpleasant smell - the magic ritual is committed.
  • Swipe the wedding ring on the cheek. Trail white - everything is fine, black - there is a damage.


How to remove damage at home

Having learned about damage, it is not necessary to immediately rush to psychics and fortune tellakam. You yourself will be able to remove the negative by resorting to simple methods.

The easiest spanking is removed from the children. To do this, wrap the face of the child three times with a hint of domestic clothes, saying: "Lord, save and save my child (name)." And you can also dip your finger in salt and touched your finger to the macushka kid.

Ourselves are treated like this:

  • Pour water into the circle. Type the liquid into a wooden spoon and skip it into the same container through the door handle. Spend this rite three times using different door handles of your home. Drink a few sips of this water and will be able to remove it.
  • Accept the shower, induce yourself with water from my head to the legs, saying three times: "Where the water is there trouble."
  • Put a hill in a saucer in a saucer. Put any golden decoration that wears. From above in salt, stick and burn the candle, mentally say: "Evil goes, good remains." Repeat the words seven times. After that, remove the jewel and put on. Waste solo solvent in water and pour into the toilet.

Clean the housing:

  • Light a church candle and go with her apartment. In all corners of the room with a candle, make air crosses, reading the prayer "Our Father".
  • Epiphany water can also be cleaned the house from evil. Follow all rooms, capturing a bathroom and toilet, spray spruple water on the walls, ceiling, windows, floor, sentencing: "Everything is bad, you will stay good."


Neighborhoods from damage

Easy to put protection for the home. To do this, in the pitch the front door stick a bunch of thistle or a beast. Craise the same tailor needle there.

Solves you from bad people and the English pin. Attach her inward clothes, head to the ground. If at the time the pin will darken, fasten the new, old - bother under the alive tree.


If the performed manipulations help poorly, go to the temple in the near future, confess, come up, pray for health. And do not forget, going out to the street, mentally cross and ask: "Fences me, Lord, from any evil."

Comments leave a comment 10/26/2016 at 18:06.

Very often a negative or a negative program is placed on the destruction of human energy. If there are unexpected problems at work, at home, in business, relationships, health, then in most cases it is a negative program that you have been set for the destruction of your life. This program is also called the evil eye, damage, curse. Only specially trained people can restore the energetics, for example, healers. An ordinary person with these forces can not cope. Always contact the specialists and help you.

To answer
pauline 09/26/2018 at 22:57

At one moment, everything in life collapsed, the business collapsed, got sick, and the most terrible husband went away, I was just killed by these events, I didn't want to live at all, I realized that something was not going on in my life, turned to the famous fortuneteller Whatsapp 89031708267 I looked at me, and told that how and why, and most importantly for what I did it. I would never have thought that my girlfriend would be wondering and makes me damage, I finally ordered the work on the removal of damage from me, the customers began to return in the first week and went to the money, then began to take attention my husband and try to establish attitude, and I feel myself just wonderful. That's how you do not think and trust sometimes it makes just horror. I am very grateful that there are people to whom you can contact and understand everything, who needs help contact this wonderful WhatsApp 89031708267, do not tolerate and do not climb away from life, everything can be established as it turned out.

To answer
Evgeniy 20/11/2019 at 2:36.

I own the removal techniques of any damage and the evil eye !!! Writing to mail DzeEEB2020 mail ru practical esoterica. Real help!

To answer

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