How to proper horseshoe in the house

How to proper horseshoe in the house

Horseshoe - ancient, magic talisman, attracting love, good luck, material well-being and happiness. In the modern world, people are incredulously belong to various superstitions, but many of us believe in the magical power of this amulet. Wood and metal horseshoes are used as an overama in all countries of the globe.

How to put the horseshoe in the house - the legends of the ancestors

The first mention of the magical actions of the amulet arose before our era. In the ancient Egypt, the horseshoes were made for the horses of the Pharaohs of gold, but sometimes, during wanderings, their horses were reset. A person who randomly found such a valuable find was provided with wealth and well-being for life.

In the era of knighthood, horseshoes were made of pure iron, but it did not reduce their value, because at that time the metal was very expensive. There was an invariable luck and luck to find a lost iron knocker, which was subsequently sold and lived richly and happily.

In the Orthodox Tradition, there is another story - one day the devil came to the blacksmith in the closure of the horse. He tried to tempt him in every way to lead himself. But the blacksmith quickly smiled his plan and cooked his hooves, driven by long sharp nails. The devil could not bear this torture and quickly killed. Since then, it is believed that all the unclean power is afraid of the horseshoes, and the charm protects the house from the penetration of any evil forces.

How to hang horseshoe

The whole secret of the magical action of the talisman is its unusual form. Horseshoe, suspended by the ends up, resembles the shape of a round bowl, accumulating only positive energy and does not give it to flow out of the house.

  • To protect your home and households from the misfortunes and troubles - horseshoe hanging down down, creating a dome semblance.
  • Put on the table ends into the ends - to ensure yourself luck in affairs and bring a benevolent energy into the family climate.
  • To attract material well-being in the house and maintain it, the mascot will help, laid on the windowsill ends into the full moon.
  • There are also cases when the charm takes upon himself a household disease, for this it is put in the head of the patient for 3 nights.
  • Savings from accidents on the road and vehicle breakdowns - put on the panel, ends inside.

According to Feng Shui, the talisman, walked on the corner of the site either from the northwestern wall - will help get a good harvest and bring good luck.

Which horseshoe choose for home

According to Esoteric experts, horseshoes have the greatest force who have previously worn by horses and were randomly lost. At the same time, it is important to find it yourself, and not adopt as a gift. You can search for a knob on the stables, hippodrome or ask farmers. An alternative can be the acquisition of a new horseshoe alone, but it will have a slightly smaller magical force. What material can be chosen:

  • Metal talisman - protects from the evil, damage and enemies, attracts money and good luck.
  • From the tree - it does not allow the envious house, contributes to an increase in love and understanding.
  • Clay Horseshoe - will give the owner with confidence in himself, protects the house from the troubles and adversity.

It is categorically not recommended to produce and hang talisman made of simple aluminum, it is believed that he can attract the failure and kick from home.

How to hang horseshoe

The legends accurately defines the location of the horseshoe in the house: "The amulet should be located above the border of good and evil," in the modern understanding it means above the main threshold of the dwelling. Which side turn outlines, depends on the desired effect. The direction matters not only for talismans located above the door, but also on the refrigerator and used as decorative decorations.

Put the charm can be outside the doorway outside and inside - in the first case, it will keep in the house of love, harmony, luck and success. In the second - Horseshoe will protect the dwelling from fire, destruction and unkind eyes.

It should be remembered that the amulet is attached to the wall only by one nail, and is nailed by the head of the house. Before conspicing it, all family members must stand in the round and alternately hold it in their hands.

Now you know about the protective and magical properties of the horseshoes, so that the charm acted for you, please contact him correctly and respectfully, and also do not allow someone else's upgrade to him. Good luck to you and your home!

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