How to attract good luck

How to attract good luck

Many are wondering how to become successful, to attract "blue bird" and become lucky. But our life - is a law of our actions, because there are no coincidences. We are able to build their own happiness and to bring luck and good fortune.

To luck come to you - be prepared to meet it. All our thoughts and desires materialize. If you expect trouble - you get them. Believe in yourself and success is sure to knock on your door. Programming yourself for luck, is constantly thinking positively, you just do not leave room for negative thoughts and attitudes. You have to believe in something you really luck in all your affairs.

Throw away negative thoughts and negative emotions. Try to think positively, do not provoke themselves empty, negative communication. Look only positive information source. Surround yourself with only pure, good and kind, that will make you happier.

You should understand that success comes to those who reach the goal. Decide for yourself a benchmark and strive to fulfill it. By doing this and achieving the desired, you will find that your luck - is the result of your own time-consuming and hard work. You must understand that your good fortune landmark - it is their favorite thing. In another way, you'll just torture yourself and become even more unhappy by the fact that you are out of luck.

Try to analyze your life, remember those times when luck is really for you, but when she left. Maybe it was connected with other people, your thoughts, attitudes to the situation of fear. Find the answer, you will get a solution to this difficult task.

Try less to tell others about your plans and achievements. If you intend to bring good luck in your life, remember that you can simply stop and cut off all initiatives "at the root" of his critics. Tune in to positive and bold move for his victory. In all the situations that occur in your life, try to ignore the bad and negative aspects, whatever the difficult situation of looking only advantages.

Develop yourself and your intuition, listen to yourself. Start small by conducting small experiments on guessing and guessing. Each person can develop his gift of a sixth sense.

In his home, place items luck. Plant a money tree, and beside him is let Horseshoe. Perhaps you have a talisman of happiness and the thing that brings you luck - carry it with you. Spend a home ritual: pour in a saucer on the 3 tbsp. l. sugar, salt and rice. To this hill place the open pin and leave so the whole night. The next day, pin the pin to clothing so that it has not been seen, and go about their business.

In the morning, only to wake up, you have to set yourself on a positive footing. Even lying in bed, repeat the words that you deserve to be happy and fortunate that luck smiles at you and does not leave. You are worthy of love, luck, health and respect.

You must understand that your relationship with yourself affects your quality of life and the appearance of it good luck. Change your thinking, you free up space for what have been dreaming.

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