How to learn to control their emotions

How to learn to control their emotions

Emotions - a psychological process, which reflects the subjective attitude and expression of any feelings for a certain situation. Emotions have a lot of living beings, but only one can control them. But sometimes people do not cope with the wave of surging emotions, and this can lead to undesirable consequences.

Your emotions can and should be able to control. This applies mainly to negative emotions such as anger, greed, revenge, anger, resentment, fear, and so forth. But the feelings such as excitement, surprise, joy, one must be able to subordinate his will.

The first thing you need to get the better of their emotions - is aware of the inappropriateness or inadequacy of their appearance at this moment of time. It is important to understand that for what you are experiencing, please reply only you. Not "it irritates me" and "I'm annoyed at him."

The most common technique to cope with the emotion every second - is breathing exercises. In yoga, this is called Pranoyama. They are particularly productive when sudden fit of anger, fear, laughter or excitement. At such moments typically pressure rises, pulse and heartbeat rate increases, increased levels of adrenalin in the blood.

Make very slow and very deep breath nose. It is necessary to draw air silently, until then, until the lungs are full. Next comes the breath-holding, the maximum possible for you and your condition. During this delay, we can assume to himself, or think about their next steps. Followed by making a quiet and slowly exhale until the very end, until all air has escaped. This can be repeated several times if necessary. This breathing helps to balance all the indicators and to cope with the undesirable condition.

For immediate suppression of unwanted feelings is also suitable prayer. If you are a believer and devout, then turning to the Higher Powers, asking to give you wisdom, patience, forgiveness, and so forth. Turning to God will help you find self-control and save the peace of mind.

More down to earth way of controlling their emotional state - repeat the mantra for self-hypnosis. Thus, you set yourself a specific program that will help form the correct behavior and reactions. Depending on the situation, repeat out loud or to yourself "I am calm," "I'm not afraid," "I'm not vulnerable and steadfast," "Scream and abuse - not a way out of the situation."

Meditative practice - the oldest method to control their body and spirit. Meditation is not very common in our society, but it makes sense to give them at least 30 minutes a day. Then maintain equanimity and peace not only outside but inside, will not make the slightest difficulty.

identification method is suitable for people with a good imagination. It is necessary to introduce or to imagine any person or fictional character, whose behavior can be for you an example to follow. And each time getting into a stressful situation and fear of not cope with emotions, imagine what would have done this hero. For example, "A true gentleman raises his voice" or "Princess ought not to weep in public."

counteraction method is an excellent exercise for the control of their minds and actions. Replaces unwanted emotions opposite. If you are choking rage or anger at the man, try to be friendly with him and smile. If you woke up the envy of others' success - try to sincerely congratulate and praise the labor expended.

If you feel that you yourself do not manage to control over the expression of their emotions, it makes sense to attend special training courses, seminars and group sessions. There you in theory and practice to learn different methods of self-control and self-regulation.

The ability to track and manage their feelings at all is individual and depends on the circumstances. Sometimes it is enough to drink a glass of water, so as not to cry, or to leave the room and to vent the irritation on the pillow whipping. Most importantly, time to realize that your emotions can cause you discomfort, and your loved ones suffering. And after such a self-examination to find a method of control and calm.

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Pelagia 11/21/2018 at 6:48 am

I think the key point here, increases stress. Me to this doctor recommended eating less carbohydrates (it turned out that they are sooo this influence) + take magnesium chelate evalarovsky and motherwort tincture on. I think everybody in the complex and triggered ... Now do not worry about trifles, constantly calm and pleasant in the heart)

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