How to meditate

How to meditate

Why do you need meditation? Immersion in the astral, order in thoughts and emotions will teach you to fight stress and bad habits, maintain the cold mind in extreme situations, is measured to look at life, improve the concentration of attention and memory, strengthen the will and raise the character.

On First, it is not worth telling others about sore Hobbies - not everyone will understand. Later you can explain that meditation is to hold attention to some kind of element of your consciousness. Meditation allows you to free the mind from extra thoughts, calm down. For meditation you need to highlight 30 40 minutes - in the morning and in the evening of 15 20 minutes. Morning classes will be put in order to the mind before the start of the working day, he will charge energy and configure a positive wave. Evening meditation will remove fatigue and tension, cleanse thoughts and postponed "for later" care and affairs. If sport - it is healthy body, then meditation - it is healthy intelligence.

6-reasons start-meditate

Determine the place. In the home environment, the classes are obtained as efficient as possible, and it is better that no one is sure to distract you and there is no third-party noise. Specialists do not recommend spending a session in the room where you go to bed: Your mind recognizes Familiar place and decorate for sleep. It is desirable that the place was comfortable and you were pleased to be there.

Follow the right pose. Meditation does not oblige at all binding the lotus position. The main condition is a smooth back, which forms a straight corner with the surface. You can not slouch and sucping forwardYou must be comfortable. If you are sitting on a chair, you should not climb on the back. The perfectly smooth position of the back will be favorable on further well-being and contributes to good, correct air ventilation in lungs. In addition to the health factor, meditation implies full relaxation, while monitoring the mind.

V The process of developing the correct back positions of the back can be involved with muscles that rarely experience the load in life. Initially you can feel the disc rT Pr.and long holding posture. In this case, if you are already unbearable, lean to the back of the chair, but your back still hold at right angles with the surface. With every day Your muscles will be strengthened.

Close your eyes and relax. Direct your attention and energy on problem areas of the body, those that have discomfort and voltage. Concentrate on breathing or mantra. If any thoughts arise in the head, try to return to the previous state immediately, on the starting position. At first, there will be many such "rear moves", but then you will learn to let all problems and thoughts.

Despite the fact that it is difficult to tune in, you can avoid emotional and mental interference. If you focus on the breath, then third-party factors will sweep past consciousness, like the clouds, and it will seem to you that you are somewhere aside and calmly watch what is happening inside you. If at first reception It does not work, you can not blame yourself or scold, learn to treat everything calmly. Read mantra Or any acceptable prayer for you.

V Completion of material Some tips on what should not do.

  • not wait for a quick result;
  • in the process of meditation is not Think about not to think - it sounds twisted, but you need to penetrate;
  • not It is worth starting to meditate later than what two hours before sleep;
  • not Eat food before and immediately after the session;
  • try not to fall asleep in the process of meditation;
  • do not overdo it if they suffer from mental ailment.

Meditation will not only eliminate you from panic attacks, but also will become effective technique in the fight against depression and chronic fatigue.

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