How to get out of depression

How to get out of depression

You appeared irritation, anxiety, apathy. A bad mood does not want you to leave, and things are not going well in my life. This depression. Such a state oppresses man and frustrating life. Urgently get rid of the disease, and these tips will help to get out of the doldrums.

Get out of depression by rest

The body needs rest. Depression often occurs against a background of physical and mental overload. Throw all, take time off work and go for a couple of weeks in a resort or recreation center. But not everyone can afford it. Take two or three days of compensatory time off at work and relax. In these days it is recommended:

  • sleep well. Restful sleep - the best cure for depression. During sleep, the brain will digest all the negative information, negative will be forgotten and you will start receiving new information from the "clean" head. Try to sleep at least 8-9 hours every night. Go to bed at the same time. If you have problems getting to sleep, take a warm bath, ask a close person made you a relaxing massage. Well-ventilated room and have a drink before going to bed a cup of warm milk with honey;
  • relax with the help of spa treatments. This method will help women feel better. Sign up for a course at the beauty salon, or use home methods. Make a pedicure or manicure, a facial mask. Light aromatic candles, turn on soft music and just lie down on the bed in silence;
  • make a general cleaning in the apartment. This will help to distract from negative thoughts. Take out the trash on all the trash, give unnecessary things to neighbors and friends, perform minor repairs. The most important thing is a strongly not strain;
  • meet with a good friend or girlfriend. Sitting in the kitchen for a cup of tea with friends, cheer up, and depression will be over.

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Correct emotional state to get out of depression

During the depression, get rid of unnecessary emotions. This will help the following ways:

  • weep. Do not limit yourself if you want to cry, the tears will help to remove the negative from the soul. Look at the films, causing tears and weep as you need. Remember their insults and tears appear immediately;
  • shout and swear. No need to argue with someone and pour his anger at the other person. This should be done alone. Go to the park or the woods, where there are no people. Shout and swear as much as necessary, to express all the sore, it will help to calm down;
  • do not think of depression. Do not put energy into a depressive state, think about the good things quickly change for the better. Make plans for a brighter future, go through life with a smile. Do not understand the causes of depression, your condition will get worse. Still can not change anything.

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Walking in the fresh air and hobbies from depression

The fresh air and physical activity relieves depression. Every day, walk on the streets from 20 to 40 minutes. Every day, do exercises, but pace yourself exercise not worth it. Enroll in swimming, yoga, run on the park in the morning, work in the garden.

Engage in love. Everyone has a hobby. It helps to relax. Be engaged in knitting, embroidery, cooking, gardening, to repair the broken machine for a long time.

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Get out of the depression with the help of proper nutrition

Try to eat right. Include in the diet of chocolate, buckwheat, nuts, oatmeal, beans, bananas, meat. Do not forget about the different vegetables fresh fruit. Eat fractional portions, but often.

Do not deny yourself anything, if it is very hard on the soul. Buy a delicious cake, go to a restaurant. Cover the table at home and invite friends. But the feast every day are not enough, especially with alcohol. Do not overdo it with the gastronomic delights.

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Refer to a therapist to get out of depression

For psychologists rarely people go. If the above methods did not help get rid of depression - consult a therapist. Harmless at first glance, depression can go into mental disorder. The doctor will prescribe medication or prescribe another medication. Psychologists conduct psychological trainings, discussions with patients. Most importantly - do not hesitate to see a doctor if the illness persists.

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To exit from the depression and change their minds. Applies to all positive, and you will feel a zest for life, because we live only once. Coping with depression is possible if strongly want to.

Comments leave a comment
Anya 09/09/2018 at 0:00

Your advice is very helpful. I liked especially about the cry alone. But this will not solve the problem, you need to seek the true cause. I turned out to be failures in the thyroid. I had to undergo a course of treatment, drink Endocrinol, herbal infusions, eating right, etc.

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